to GOD be the GLORY
~ Walking Humbly ~
By Deborah Ann
I want to walk with God,
through the glens and dells
up and down the hills
through the valley’s swells.
I want to place each step,
in the truest of directions
I want my walk to have
the holiest of intentions.
I want to hold His hand,
as I climb the mountain top
I want Him to tell me . . .
when to go, where to stop.
I want to do God justice,
doing what He requires
I want to make Him proud
of my wants and desires.
I want to walk humbly,
so I don’t trip on my pride
I want God’s grace in my steps
His mercy in my stride!
“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;
and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God?â€
King James Version
Public Domain
Copyright 2014
Deborah Ann Belka