True Contentment ~

bible-can-transform ~CHRISTian poetry by deborahann ~ used with permission IBible Verses
 You are my portion, O Lord,
 You are all that I need
 Your goodness fills me up
 when on your Word, I feed.
The measure of Your grace,
 fills me to the brim
 for, when I study and read
 Your sufficiency sets in.
With each verse that I tuck,
 deep down in my heart
 my joy becomes complete
 as eternal hope, You impart.
I find peace in each Word,
 and the promises they hold
 for, they satisfy and keep
 my heart from growing cold.
The degree of my faith,
 can be found on each page
 and the amount of my trust
 in Your power is my gauge.
The scriptures refresh me,
 bring calmness to my soul
 and I find true contentment
 knowing You are in control!
Psalm 119:57
“Thou art my portion, O Lord:
 I have said that I would keep thy words.”
King James Version
 by Public Domain
Copyright 2014
 Deborah Ann Belka

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