to GOD be the GLORY
~ Rejoicing In Tribulation ~
By Deborah Ann
When I’m knee deep,
in pain and suffering . . .
it’s in my future hope
for which I’m rejoicing.
For the glory to be had,
in today’s tribulation
will come on the day
of my own resurrection.
When I’m waist high,
in my cares and concerns
it’s with patience I wait
until Jesus returns.
For I stand in the faith,
of His future coming . . .
even through my troubles
are always incoming.
When trials I experience,
when tribulation I have to face
I can do so with rejoicing . . .
because of His saving grace!
And not only so, but we glory
in tribulations also:
knowing that tribulation
worketh patience;
And patience, experience;
and experience, hope:
King James Version
Public Domain
Copyright 2021
Deborah Ann Belka
~ to GOD be the GLORY ~