to GOD be the GLORY
~ This is A Test ~
By Deborah Ann
God’s sending me tests,
He’s giving me situations
He’s seeing if I’ll claim
His peace trough tribulations.
God’s giving me a chance,
to find new grace each day
He is seeing if my faith
will hold up along the way.
God’s working in me patience,
He wants to affirm my hope
He’s teaching me to trust Him
for the strength I need to cope.
God’s seeing if I will rejoice,
when things are askew
He’s looking to see His glory
in my life shinning through.
God keeps informing me,
Child, this is just a test . . .
so that I may experience
what is His perfect rest!
And not only so, but we glory in
tribulations also: knowing that
tribulation worketh patience;
And patience, experience;
and experience, hope:â€
King James Version
Public Domain
Copyright 2016
Deborah Ann Belka