#throwbackpoem: Faith Springs Forth

to GOD be the GLORY

~ Faith Springs Forth ~

By Deborah Ann

Faith springs from the heart,
as mercy falls from above
the earth becomes enriched
by the grace of Jesus’ love.

Hope dwells internally,
the seed has been planted
all who willing come to Jesus
eternal salvation is granted.

Truth descends from heaven,
peace to earth Jesus brings
the world opens up its arm
to receive its King of Kings.

Righteousness sprinkles down,
on a land parched and dry
the God of all creation hears
His creature’s thirsty cry.

Faith springs forth,
giving all a new start
mercy and truth kiss . . .
so peace they could impart!


Psalm 85.10-12

Mercy and truth are met
together; righteousness
and peace have kissed
each other.

Truth shall spring out
of the earth; and
righteousness shall
look down from heaven.

Yea, the Lord shall give
that which is good; and
our land shall yield
her increase.

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2021
Deborah Ann Belka

~ to GOD be the GLORY ~

How did this Bless you ~