Test My Heart Lord ~

Love by Josiah Kopp free photo#7351
Test my heart, Lord,
see what’s inside . . .
Look low, look deep,
search far, search wide
till there’s nothing left
for me to hide.
Pull on fears suspicions,
push on doubts admissions
pick away at its coldness,
cut away egos boldness.
Purge out selfish pride,
pluck out the greedy side
haul off Satan’s lies
rip out its lusting eyes.
Pull up evils root,
yank up sins pursuit
gather up all the pain
wash away guilt’s stain.
Test my heart Lord,
till it’s true and blue. . .
Search here, search there,
look at all I say and do
till all my heart holds . . .
is the love I have for You!
Proverbs 17:3
King James Version
“The refining pot is for silver
and the furnace for gold,
But the Lord tests the hearts.”
Copyright 2013
Deborah Ann Belka

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