Tag Archives: Wolves in Sheep Clothing

#throwbackpoem: Wolves

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Wolves ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, I’m having a problemseeing things in Your lightfor, there’s so much deceitthat I daily have to fight. I’m having difficulty,with finding the straight wayfor, there’s so many preacherswith something different to say. I’m having a struggle,with finding the Gospel factsfor, there’s so many Bibleswhere the truth is not… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Dancing With The Wolves

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Dancing With the Wolves ~ By Deborah Ann So many today, dancing with the wolves so many are following their slippery hooves. So many today, are deceivingly mislead so many aren’t being the truth, anymore fed. So many today, are living in the darkness so many aren’t looking for Christ and His likeness. So many… (more…)