Tag Archives: Witness

Today’s Poem: Beautiful Feet

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Beautiful Feet ~ By Deborah Ann How beautiful are the feet,traveling across each nationwho share the Good News . . .about God and His creation. How faithful are the lives,journeying into the streetswho bring the love of Jesusto the sinners that they meet. How gracious are the ones,willing to leave their own homeso they… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Getting Ready for CHRISTmas

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Getting Ready for CHRISTmas ~ By Deborah Ann I’m getting ready,to celebrate CHRISTmasI’m preparing my heartto be for God a witness. I’m going to be sharing,the only true reasonwhy there even is  . . .a CHRISTmas season. I’m calling it CHRISTmas,not a happy holidayI’ll not be embarrassedwhen Jesus’ name I say. If I offend anyone,Jesus… (more…)

Boldness ~

Lord, give me boldness, to speak out for You let me not be ashamed to let Your light shine thru. Let me be courageous, when the Gospel I share let my words be spoken with respect and care. Let me be audacious, when I speak out about sin let me not hold back so souls for You, I may win.… (more…)