Tag Archives: Wait and Be Still

Today’s Poem: God’s Timing Not Mine

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Timing Not Mine ~ By Deborah Ann I have found,God’s timing’s the beston this factI have come to rest. For His plan is always,the only perfect oneso I’ve learned to waituntil He is done. I have found,God not to ever pushso I know not to bein a hurry or a rush. For He has… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Waiting On God

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Waiting On God ~ By Deborah Ann Waiting on God,is liberating . . .it is strengtheningand hope generating. It is freeing,this God waitingit is entrustingand faith activating. Waiting on God,is encouragingit is confidenceand belief stimulating. It is relieving,this God waitingit is anxietyand fear sparing. Waiting on God,is time well spentfor the answers are . .… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: In Quiet Hope

to GOD be the GLORY ~ In Quiet Hope ~ By Deborah Ann My soul waits for the Lord,in quiet hope I wait . . .for, what else can I doso for Him I will wait. No need to get restless,caught up in my fearsin quiet hope I wait . . .until my Jesus appears. As problems pile up,adding to my carein… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: I’ve Got Courage

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I’ve Got Courage ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, I’m not focusing,in on my fear . . .instead I’ll center onknowing You are near. I’m going to be strong,instead of being fretfulI’m going to have faithbold and not fearful. Lord, I’m going to be calm,instead of being anxiousin You, I’ll stay relaxednot jittery or nervous. I’m not… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: I Know God Will

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Know God Will ~ By Deborah Ann I know God can,I believe He willso I will wait . . .and I’ll be still. I know He’s able,so I will trustfor Him to dowhat He must. It won’t do me,one bit of goodto fear or doubtas I once would. For I have learned,to sit and… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Waiting On God

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Waiting On God ~ By Deborah Ann Waiting on God,is liberating . . .it is strengtheningand hope generating. It is freeing,this God waitingit is entrustingand faith activating. Waiting on God,is encouragingit is confidenceand belief stimulating. It is relieving,this God waitingit is anxietyand fear sparing. Waiting on God,is time well spentfor the answers are . .… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: I Need To Know

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Need to Know ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, I need to know,how to be still . . .I want to understandYour perfect will. I desire to believe,You’re in controlI long to feeltrust in my soul. I seek to find,Your peace idealI search to discoverYour mercy’s real. I wish to have,faith completeI care to believeYou’re… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Peace Unexpected

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Peace Unexpected ~ By Deborah Ann God gives to me,peace unexpectedwhenever His waysI have respected. A peace that calms,my anxious soulone guaranteedto ease and console. God gives to me,peace surpassingwith the promise . . .it’ll be everlasting. A peace so unreal,it’s out of this worldthe kind only Godis able to unfurl. God gives to… (more…)

I Wait ~

In God and Him alone, my soul waits ever patiently for my hope only comes when I rest in Him quietly. He is my sturdy Rock, from which I can’t be shaken He protects and defends me from the attacks of Satan. A Refuge to me He is, a place to run and hide His love encompasses me from each… (more…)

A Quiet Heart ~

A quiet heart is one, soaked in confidence for God’s mighty power has in it, dominance. A quiet heart is one, having nothing to fear for it knows God’s promise is to always be near. A quiet heart is one, steeped in eternal peace for the faith that it holds brings it constant release. A quiet heart is one, standing calmly still… (more…)

In Queit Hope ~

My soul waits for the Lord, in quiet hope, I wait . . . for what can I do alone so for Him, I will wait. No need to get restless, caught up in my fears in quiet hope, I wait . . . until my Jesus appears. As problems pile up, adding to my care in quiet hope, I… (more…)

I Sit ~

Sometimes I sit, in humble silence I wait on the Lord seeking His guidance. I say not a thing, give to Him my mind knowing His will for me is there for me to find. Sometimes I sit, in quiet solitude till I have for Him the right attitude. I tune the world out, His voice, I listen for I… (more…)

I Wait ~

I wait on Your name Lord, for I know that it is just I know that You’re someone I can lean on and to trust. I wait on Your name Lord, for I know that it is true I know that Your Word is what I need to cling to. I wait on Your name Lord, for I know that… (more…)