Tag Archives: Sowing & Reaping

Today’s Poem: Crumbs

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Crumbs ~ By Deborah Ann Crumbs,morsels of hopefor us to spreadall over the globe. Crumbs,little bits of peacefor us to scatterand daily release. Crumbs,scrapes of lightfor us to sowto give new sight. Crumbs,shreds of what we believeso the Good Newsothers can receive. Crumbs,put them all togetheroh, what a great harvestwe could truly gather! ~~~~~~~… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Faint Not

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Faint Not ~ By Deborah Ann Faint not,do not tiredon’t forgetsatan’s a liar. Keep on,keeping onfor your Fatherand His Son. Faint not,do not pass outdon’t let satancause any doubt. Press on,pressing onsoon the harvestwill be drawn. Faint not,do not surrenderkeep on pressing on . . .into heaven’s splendor! ~~~~~~~ Galatians 6:9 And let us… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Holding Fast

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Holding Fast ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, help me to hold fast,give me the stabilityto grasp onto my faithwith grace and humility. Help me to be steadfast,give me quiet persistencelet me not grow wearywhen I meet resistance. Lord, help me to be firm.so that I will not waiverlet me cling to the hopeYou are… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: ~ Using Our God Given Gifts ~

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Using Our God Given Gifts ~ By Deborah Ann Everyone has a ministry,each one of us has a giftsome plant the good seedothers give it a good old sift. Some of us are called,into the world to go outothers are lead to stay homeand help those who are without. Some are Bible preachers,teachers and instructorssome… (more…)