Tag Archives: Soul Harvesting

Today’s Poem: Sowing And Reaping

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Sowing and Reaping ~ By Deborah Ann If we are to plant,we must also waterand trust the growingto our heavenly Father. If we want to reap,we need to sowand from doing goodweary we can’t grow. If we want to shout,with joy and gleethen seeds of faithwe need to set free. If we want to gather,fruit… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Ripe For the Picking

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Ripe For the Picking ~ By Deborah Ann Oh, Lord I can feel,it’s almost harvest timeand the fields for reapingare more than prime. Oh, Lord I can feel,the coolness of the daybringing the Good Newsthat You are on the way. I can see the crops,are ripe for the pickingI can hear the clockspeeding up its… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Colors Of Things Coming

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Color Of Things Coming ~ By Deborah Ann I watch Fall’s colored leaves,turn from red to golden browndrifting on the breeze of Autumnfloating idly to the ground. They lay in all their splendor,till rake piles them knee-highfor eye to see and foot to crushbefore they wither away and die. Fall reminds me of the… (more…)