Tag Archives: SInful Condition

Today’s Poem:With All Our Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ With All Our Heart ~ By Deborah Ann When we love God, with all of our heart from Him we’ll never what to be apart. We will pursue Him, night and day we will praise Him when we pray. When we love God, with all of our soul our lives He’ll heal and make whole. We… (more…)

Poem: I Am The Light of the World

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I AM The Light of the World ~ By Deborah Ann Jesus is the Light of the world,the darkness it out shines . . .disclosing the evil thoughtsof our hearts, souls and minds. His Light is heart revealing,to believers or not . . .His Light unmasks the sinthat for man He bought. His Light… (more…)

On This You Can Be Sure ~

He heals our diseases, on this, you can be sure He has the power . . . to restore and to cure. He repairs the broken, mends the worldly tears takes upon Himself . . . the burden of our cares. He treats the pain, relieves the soreness alleviates the ache with His tenderness. He revives the inflected, from sins contamination… (more…)