Tag Archives: Shelter ~ Refuge ~ Retreat

Today’s Poem: A Shelter In The Storm

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Shelter In The Storm ~ By Deborah Ann In life there are storms,we all have to go throughfinding a refuge from themis the first thing we must do. We need to trust God,until the storm passes onfor He will keep us safetill the turbulence is gone. In life there are storms,we know they’ll be… (more…)

Today’s Poem: I Trust God

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Trust God ~ By Deborah Ann I trust God,His Word I heedI trust Himfor whatever I need. I trust God,when I say His nameI trust Himto remain the same. I trust God,for His goodnessI trust Himfor His kindness. I trust God,when  I prayI trust Himto guide my way. I trust God,to give me shelterI trust… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Through All Of Life’s Challenges

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Through All Of Life’s Challenges ~ By Deborah Ann Through all of life’s challenges,times of means and of leanon my Lord and Savior . . .I have continued to lean. For He has not forsaken,nor left me on my ownHe has always given meaccess to His holy throne. Through all of life’s trials,when I called… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: In His Arms

to GOD be the GLORY ~ In His Arms ~ By Deborah Ann In His arms,is where I findpeace and restfor heart and mind. I snuggle there,for quite a whileafter all I am . . .still His child. I curl up,in His loving armsHe keeps me safefrom all that harms. I feel all warm,cozy and secureHis embracehelps me to endure. In… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Jesus My Rock

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Jesus, My Rock ~ By Deborah Ann Jesus, my Rock my salvation, my refuge with You there is peace under worries deluge. You are my strength, when my own is spent in You there’s safety from all that torments. My God, My Rock, shield me from evil protect me from the world’s upheaval. Be my… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: My Rock

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Rock ~ By Deborah Ann My Rock never leaves me, forsake me He does not my Rock is strong and sturdy each time He is sought. My Rock forever comforts, protects and provides my Rock is always present from me He never hides. My Rock is my strength, the power of my might… (more…)