Tag Archives: Running the Good & Faithful Race

#throwbackpoem: Lose The Weight

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Lose the Weight ~ By Deborah Ann To stay in the race,you must be fitlest you will tireand just want to quit. You’ll need to lose,transgression’s poundslest for sure they willslow you right down. The weight of the world,you’ll need to shedlest it will messwith your heart and head. You’ll need to drop,the sin besetting… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Lord, Help Us to Run

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Lord, Help Us to Run ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, help us to run,this race we are inhelp us to finish wellso the prize we can win. Give us the stamina.the patience for endurancegive us the spiritual muscleto keep going the distance. Lord, help us to run,right past temptationhelp us to keep our eyeson our… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Lord, Help Us To Run

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Lord, Help Us to Run ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, help us to run,this race we are inhelp us to finish wellso the prize we can win. Give us the stamina.the patience for endurancegive us the spiritual muscleto keep going the distance. Lord, help us to run,right past temptationhelp us to keep our eyeson our… (more…)