Tag Archives: Revelation 3:20

#throwbackpoem: My God is So Big

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My God is So Big ~ By Deborah Ann My God is so big . . .He can conquer anythingHe can turn a dry riverinto a life-giving stream. My God is so big . . .He can carry my heavy loadHe can lift from me my burdenscause them to wither and erode. My God… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Do You Hear Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Do You Hear Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann Do you hear it,do you hear the rappingon the door to your heartdo you hear Jesus tapping? Do you hear Him,asking you to invite Him indo you hear Him sayingI will forgive you of your sin? Do you hear His plea,to open up your souldo you hear… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Key To Life

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Key to Life ~ By Deborah Ann The key to life,is in your handswhen the Biblein it lands. It opens the door,to life, eternalgets you up and oversin’s every hurdle. It holds the meaning,to what life is aboutit gives you hopetakes away the doubt. It brings Light,whether night or dayby shining Truthon the Life… (more…)