Tag Archives: Psalm 34:4

#throwbackpoem: Worry Ends

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Worry Ends ~ By Deborah Ann Worry ends,when faith kicks init withdrawsto our trust within. For when in God,peace we findworry can’t playwith our mind. Fear ceases,where love existsdoubt dissolveswhere hope persists. For when in Jesus,our faith we placeour fears will fleein the sight of grace. Worry and fear,are forced outwhen to the Lordwe… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Fear Factor

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Fear Factor ~ By Deborah Ann Fear plugs the heart,stops the flow of peaceit clogs up the calmonly God can release. Fear hijacks the hope,we need to be stillit robs the soulof knowing God’s will. Fear rips the faith,right out from under usit cripples the mindof its eternal sureness. Fear disables the joy,of our… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Gripped With Fear

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Gripped With Fear ~ By Deborah Ann Gripped with fear,worry and doubtcan’t shut anxietyin your mind out? Then you need God,to release His powerso your every fearyou can overpower. Seized by nerves,enveloped in troublesclinging to your fearswith white knuckles? Then you need to let go,of all of your caresand give to Jesusyour burdens to bear.… (more…)