Tag Archives: Philippians 4:7

#throwbackpoem: Grief Is Like an Ocean

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Grief Is Like an Ocean ~ By Deborah Ann Grief is like an ocean,it ebbs in and outsome days are calmothers are a wipeout. Grief is like a stream,that keeps on flowingsome days it slows downothers it comes rushing. Grief is like the wind,that seems not to easesome days get gustyothers are but a breeze.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Gulf of Grief

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Gulf of Grief ~ By Deborah Ann In the depth of despair,there is a gulf of grief . . .where the sorrows of this lifeleaves us begging for relief. The hurting soul can’t calm,or remove the heartbreakit needs the healing touchof the One who won’t forsake. We thirst for healing waters,for a peaceful resting… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Waters Healing

to GOD be the GLORY ~Water’s Healing~ By Deborah Ann In the depth of despair,there is a gulf of grief . . .where the sorrows of lifemakes us beg for relief. The hurting soul can’t calm,or remove its own heartbreakit needs the healing touchof the One who won’t forsake. We thirst for waters healing,a peaceful resting placewhere we can forget… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Give God Your Worries

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Give God Your Worries ~ By Deborah Ann Some people worry,about anythingsome get anxiousover everything. Some wrestle daily,with their troublessome nightly fightwith their struggles. But, those who wait,on the Lord are stillthe worries they havetheir peace cannot steal. They cast their anxiety,onto Jesus each daythey don’t fret aboutthings coming their way. Some people worry,about anythingbut, those… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: I’ve Got This Peace

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I’ve Got This Peace ~ By Deborah Ann I’ve got this peace,that I just don’t getbut, it is becomingfor me a new mind-set. There’s a calmness,it seems so surrealthere’s a tranquilitythat feels so unreal. There’s a quietness,filling up my heartthere’s a gentle hushin the fearful part. There’s a stillness,now inside of methere’s a restfulnessand it’s… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: May God’s Peace Rule

to GOD be the GLORY ~ May God’s Peace Rule ~ By Deborah Ann May God’s peace,rule your mind todaymay to its quieting lullyour heart give way. May you experience,God’s tranquilitymay it fill you withgrace and humility. May you relish,the settled quietnessmay you soak upthe sedated peacefulness. May you encounter,God’s perfect stillnessmay you receiveHis stilling calmness. May the peace of God,ease… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: We All Need A Break

to GOD be the GLORY ~ We All Need A Break ~ By Deborah Ann We all need a break,from the rut of daily lifewe all need God . . .to ease our daily strife. We all need rest,quite, peaceful tranquilitywe all need God . . .to restore our vitality. We all need a break,from the daily rushwe all need God… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Focus On Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Focus On Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann Some days good thoughts,are hard to keepsometimes it’s not easynot to let the bad ones creep. But, those who stay,focused on the Lordpeace in their mindswill become shored. Some days just crush,our spirit’s into shardssometimes it’s impossibleour hearts to guard. But those who remain,on the Lord centeredpeace in… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: GIve God Your Worries

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Give God Your Worries ~ By Deborah Ann Some people worry,about anythingsome get anxiousover everything. Some wrestle daily,with their troublessome nightly fightwith their struggles. But, those who wait,on the Lord are stillthe worries they havetheir peace cannot steal. They cast their anxiety,onto Jesus each daythey don’t fret aboutthings coming their way. Some people worry,about anythingbut, those… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Fear Naught

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Fear Naught ~ By Deborah Ann Throughout the Bible,we’re told not to fearnor to be dismayedfor God is always near. We’re told not to be,fearful or discouragedthat in the Lord Himselfto always be encouraged. We’re told not to worry,God will not fail usno matter what man doesin Him to always trust. We’re told not… (more…)

Today’s Poem: We All Need A Break

to GOD be the GLORY ~ We All Need A Break ~ By Deborah Ann We all need a break,from the rut of daily lifewe all need God . . .to ease our daily strife. We all need rest,quite, peaceful tranquilitywe all need God . . .to restore our vitality. We all need a break,from the daily rushwe all need God… (more…)

He Repairs Hearts ~

He repairs hearts, fills in the holes heals the spirit preserves the soul. His love reaches, the deep recesses where pain hides and depresses. He gives grace, to those in need and His mercy far exceeds . . . What man can offer, what man can give for Jesus knows how to forgive. He fills in the hole, He’s the… (more…)