Tag Archives: New Man

Today Poem: Feel Good Religion

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Feel Good Religion ~ By Deborah Ann I love the feel good religion,like the one you hear todayI like knowing God loves meno matter what I do or say. I like giggling and laughing,as the pastor jokes aroundI like all the modern musicwith that big band sound. I like the laid back attitude,the easygoing, off… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Out With The Old

~ Out With The Old ~ By Deborah Ann Out with the old,on with the newnow that Jesuslives inside of you. No more bitterness,no more angernow that Jesusis your Anchor. No more grudges,no more frustrationsnow that Jesusis your Foundation. No more displeasure,no more resentmentnow that Jesusis your contentment. On with the new,out with the oldnow that you’re in . . .Jesus’… (more…)

Putting On the New Man ~

You offered to me this new man, and asked me to put him on . . . You challenged me to grow in Him to be willing to be Spirit drawn. You told me my life was useless, and my heart was as dry as dust that my mind was full of darkness overflowing with the sin of lust. You… (more…)