Tag Archives: Ministry

#throwbackpoem: ~ Using Our God Given Gifts ~

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Using Our God Given Gifts ~ By Deborah Ann Everyone has a ministry,each one of us has a giftsome plant the good seedothers give it a good old sift. Some of us are called,into the world to go outothers are lead to stay homeand help those who are without. Some are Bible preachers,teachers and instructorssome… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Bearing Good Fruits

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Bearing Good Fruits ~ By Deborah Ann Faith that is voiced,faith that is sharedis a faith that knowsgood fruit it’s to bear. Faith that is productive,faith that is fruitfulis a faith God makesfor His kingdom useful. Faith that is spoken,faith that is conveyedis a faith that God needsso hearts can be swayed. Faith that is… (more…)