Tag Archives: Jesus

#throwbackpoem: God Keeps His Promises

~ God Keeps His Promises ~ By Deborah Ann God keeps His promises,His Word never failsHis promises He keepsright down to the details. Promises of new life,that His Son bringspromises of hopeto work out all things. Promises of comfort,when trails we facepromises of new mercyand sufficient grace. Promises of blessings,of every spiritual kindpromises of His peaceto guard heart and mind.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God Of The Sparrow

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Of The Sparrow ~ By Deborah Ann God of the sparrow,provide our winter seedsupply us with the faithto trust You for all we need. Shelter us in the storms,underneath Your mighty wingsshield us from the bitternessthat winter’s harshness brings. God of the sparrow,furnish our winter warmthkeeps us steadfastlyupon salvation’s hearth. Protect us in… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Everyday Is A Blessing

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Everyday Is A Blessing ~ By Deborah Ann Everyday is a blessing,something to savoreveryday is a gift . . .of God’s merciful favor. Everyday is a treasure,of hope and trusteveryday is a gemthat God gives to us. Everyday is a present,to be unwrappedeveryday is a delugeof grace untapped. Everyday is a trove,of peace and… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Greatest Blessing of All

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Greatest Blessing of All ~ By Deborah Ann Blessings come great,they too come smalland we need to be . . .thankful for them all. They come suddenly,they come unexpectedthey come anticipatedor when unsuspected. Blessings come many,they too come fewand we need to be . . .grateful for them too. They come in the morning,when… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: A Good Work

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Good Work ~ By Deborah Ann A good work,in you God has beganto help you get ridof that old sinful man. He promised to give,His Spirit to youso He could guideand lead you how to. A good work,God will performso to His likenessyou can conform. It will take time,to reach perfectionuntil He sees… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Oh, God Shelter Me

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Oh, My God Shelter Me ~ By Deborah Ann Oh my God,shelter mekeep me safewithin Thee. For You are to me,my cool Shadowmy safe Havenmy shady Grotto. Oh my God,shield mekeep my closenear to Thee. For You are to me,my quiet Harbormy calm Retreatmy fixed Anchor. Oh, my God,protect mekeep me safesecure in Thee!… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Greatest Blessing 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Greatest Blessing ~ By Deborah Ann     The greatest blessing,Lord, I can think of . . .is knowing I haveYour undying love. For it is amazing,a sinner like meLord, can be lovedby likes of Thee. With Your grace,I’m richly blessedtis why my soulis at perfect rest. All of my needs,You daily furnishso… (more…)

Today’s Poem: I AM With You Always

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I AM With You Always ~ By Deborah Ann     I AM with you always,to the end of this ageI AM able to save youin the storms that rage. I AM beside you,I dwell in your heartI AM your Saviora new thing I will start. I Am your Comforter,I bring to you restI… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: I See God’s Wonder

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I See God’s Wonder ~ By Deborah Ann I see God’s wonder,I see His lightit does not fadeinto the night. It shines brighter,than the morning sunfor it radiates the loveof His begotten Son. I see the distance,between God and manI know His lovefills the spacious span. For, His love is eternal,forever it will go… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Blesseds From God

to GOD be the GLORY “Blesseds” From God ~ By Deborah Ann   “Blesseds” from God,are all over the placeblessings filled with . . . .His love and grace. For the meek and humble,those poor and the pureare blessings of hopeto help you endure. For the thirsty and hungry,the peacemakers tooare blessings of mercyGod bestows onto you. For those persecuted,the ones… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: My God Is Great

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My God is Great ~ By Deborah Ann My God is great,His name is the greatest of allMy God is Kingall others are weak and small. My God is great,He deeds are untouchableMy God is powerfulHis purposes are unstoppable. My God is great,He is victorious and courageousMy God is mightyHe is merciful and gracious.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Shine

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Shine ~ By Deborah Ann Shine on me Lord Jesus,shine on me Your gracelet the joy I found in Youradiant off my grateful face. Shine on me Your  love,Your mercies ever tendershine on me Your goodnesstill I glow in Your splendor. Shine on me Lord Jesus,shine on me Your faithfulnesslet the love I have… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Always The Same

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Always The Same ~ By Deborah Ann Thank You Lord,for being true . . .for never-changingfor staying You. Thank you Lord,for being consistentfor being steadyfor being persistent. Thank You Lord,for being reliablefor being unfalteringfor being dependable. Thank You Lord,for being unfailingfor being stablefor being unwavering. Thank You Lord,for being continualfor being eternalfor being perpetual. Thank… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Amazed

to GOD be the GLORY   ~ Amazed ~ By Deborah Ann I fear God for one reason,and it’s not that I’m afraidI fear His mighty power . . .for, it leaves me amazed. I stare in astonishment,as I view the works of His handhow all has come togetherat His direction and command. I worship Him and marvel,as I gaze out… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Is Good

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God is Good ~ By Deborah Ann God is good,look at all He has donethink about the hopeyou have in His Son. God is awesome,see what He’s doingyour heart and soulHe is pursuing. God is amazing,doing mighty thingswhen you trust in Himblessings He brings. God is wonderful,see what He’s able to doa true believer  . . .He’s making out… (more…)

Today’s Poem: I Hear God’s Voice

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Hear God’s Voice ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, I hear Your voice,in the thunder’s roarI hear it crashingon the ocean’s shore. I hear its whisper,in the swaying treesI hear it soaron the quiet breeze. I hear its song,when birds sweetly singI hear it swellon the spread of wings. I hear its laughter,in the… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Worth My Pursuing

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Worth My Pursuing ~ By Deborah Ann Sometimes I don’t get,what God is doingbut, I know His reasonsare worth my pursuing. Sometimes I’m not sure,what God wants of mebut, I know His plansare there for me to see. Sometimes I don’t discern,what God is askingbut, I know His desiresare worth the unmasking. Sometimes I… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Lord, Show Me Your Glory

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Lord, Show Me Your Glory ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, show me Your glory,let Your goodness revealmercy that’s everlastingceaseless, undying and real. Show me Your brilliance,a glimpse of Your lightwhere there’ll be no needfor daytime or night. Lord, show me Your glory,let Your perfection shinegive me a glimpse of paradiseheavenly and divine. Show me… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Has A Time For Everything

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Has A Time For Everything ~ By Deborah Ann God has a time,for everythingand for every onenew season’s He brings. There’s a time of peace,and a time of bleaknessa time of spiritual healthand a time of sickness. There’s a time to rise up,and a time to regressa time of fearfulnessand a time to… (more…)

Today’s Poem: More Than We Can Imagine

to GOD be the GLORY ~ More Than We Can Imagine ~ By Deborah Ann More than we can understand,more than we can conceiveis what God can do for thosewho trust in Him and believe. More than we can ever think,more than we can ever dareis what God can do for thosewho give Him, their every care. More than we… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Knows All About Us

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Knows All About Us ~ By Deborah Ann God knows,each one of usHe knows if we doubtor in Him trust. He knows our names,each and every oneHe knows those who puttheir faith in His Son. God knows,all of our needsHe knows if we believein His awesome deeds. He knows our troubles,the sum of… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God Is

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Is ~ By Deborah Ann God is … Our Shadow in the heat,our Calm in the waveour Refuge in the stormthe only One who can save. Our Peace surpassing,our Stillness unrealour Hope never-endingthe One to whom we kneel. Our Buckler of Trust,our Horn of Salvationour Rock of Strengththe Judge of every nation. Our… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God is A God of Purpose

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God is A God of Purpose ~ By Deborah Ann God is not a God,of circumstancenor is He a Godof happenstance. For, He is a God,all-knowing, all mindfuleverything He doesis mighty and powerful. God is not a God,of coincidencenor is He a Godof indifference. For, He is a God,of purpose, of designeverything He doesis… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Despicable Me

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Despicable Me ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, when compared to You,who am I . . .for, I am but despicablein Your watchful eye. I am minuscule,compared to Your greatnessI am but a vaporin all of Your grandness. Lord, when compared to You,what am I . . .for, I am pitifulin Your zealous eye. I… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Night Sky

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Night Sky ~ By Deborah Ann When I look out,on the sky at nightI stand gaping . . .at the starry sight. I recall the days,when I was youngand the many wisheson them I made upon. But, now when I see,their starry twinklingthey have me on . . .eternal life thinking. Instead of wishing,for… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Thunderstruck

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Thunderstruck ~ By Deborah Ann In the vastness of the world,Lord, I am frankly amazedhow Your eyes on meare always intently gazed. You see me when I rise,you watch me through the dayin Your view is all I doas I go about my way. In the grandness of the universe,Lord, I am truly thunderstruckhow… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: My Redeemer Is Alive

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Redeemer Is Alive ~ By Deborah Ann My Redeemer lives,He is alive and wellfor in my heart . . .His Spirit now dwells. He loves me with,such a deep affectionHis death the epitomeof mercy’s perfection. My Redeemer lives,my faith in Him I placeHe gave His life for minesaved me with His grace. His… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Power In The Resurrection

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Power In The Resurrection ~ By Deborah Ann There is power,in the resurrectionto the world waysa disconnection. There is victory,arising from the deada message of hopenot of fear or dread. There is salvation,full of love and gracenot of defeatwhen Jesus we embrace. There is eternal rest,everlasting lifeone filled with peacenot of worldly strife. There… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Is Not Restricted

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Is Not Restricted ~ By Deborah Ann Nothing is impossible,when God we allowto do what He canin the way He knows how. For He is not restricted,in any way or formnot one thing to Himis out of the norm. Nothing is inconceivable,when in God we trustnothing is unachievableHis hands are not cuffed. There… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Creator Of All Things

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Creator Of All Things ~ By Deborah Ann God made and keeps,all things in ordereverything moveswithin His border. The sun and moon,are set high in the skytheir course planis controlled by His eye. The earth and plants,revolve by His designHis purpose for themare perfectly in line. The stars and cosmos,come out at His willHe… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: A Merciful God

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Merciful God ~ By Deborah Ann A Tower of Strength,a daily Retreata Light in the darka Love concrete. A Pillar of Fire,a solid Rocka safe Harborfor souls to dock. A Fortress on High,a Lofty Towera Mighty Strengtha Divine Power. A Protecting Shield,a Lasting Strongholdan Anchor to graspa firm foothold. A Merciful God,a Gracious… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God Holds The Stars

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Holds The Stars ~ By Deborah Ann God holds the stars,right in their placesets the whole earthinto orbit’s race. He commands the sun,to up and shinethen tells it whenit needs to recline. He moves the clouds,seasons He formsHe controls the calmorders up the storms. He tells the moon,when it’s time to risethen orders it… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: When I Consider All God Made

to GOD be the GLORY ~ When I Consider All God Made ~ By Deborah Ann Father, when I consider,all Your fingers have madehow the sun slowly risesas the moon begins to fade. I’m in awe,of the magnificence I seein this amazing universeYou have set before me. Father, when I consider,the trillion stars in the skyhanging on the dark backdropYou… (more…)

Today’s Poem: It’s All Yours Lord

to GOD be the GLORY ~ It’s All Yours Lord ~ By Deborah Ann It’s all Yours Lord,the sky, the seathe heaven, the earthall belong to Thee. You dampen the clouds,bring the shine of the sunonly You in Your wisdomcan the universe run. Lord, You alone created,the mountain, the hillsthe valleys, the daleswere formed by Your will. You clap out… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Glorious Works Of God

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Glorious Works of God ~ By Deborah Ann The glorious works of God,are everywhere . . .none which man createdto them can compare. It’s sparkles in the skies,it glows in the moonit twinkles through starsit shines at high noon. It’s a pillar of light,it’s a Word from aboveit’s water from a rockit’s forgiveness… (more…)