Tag Archives: Inspirational Jesus

Today’s Poem: Oh, To Hear His Voice

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Oh, To Hear His Voice ~ By Deborah Ann Oh, to hear His voice in clarity,confusion to come to ceaseto rid our life of all anxietywith the infusion of His peace. To know His voice of wisdom,all foolishness put to an endto listen for His instructionson life’s every path and bend. To know His voice… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Things I’ve Seen

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Things I Have Seen ~ By Deborah Ann I have seen morality fade,the withering of man’s ethicsI have seen people lives canceledby the pundits and skeptics. I have seen a government,become by greed corruptI have seen the rage of hateon city streets erupt. I have seen earthy riches,turn cold the heart of manI have… (more…)