Tag Archives: Holy Fear

#throwbackpoem: United

to GOD be the GLORY ~ United ~ By Deborah Ann When God teaches you,the truth He will showand the things of His willyou will want to know. For when God in His Word,begins to guide you . . .you’ll want godly conductin the things that you do. When God teaches you,how to walk on His wayyou will choose carefullythe… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Eternally Grateful

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Eternally Grateful ~ By Deborah Ann Oh, Lord when I mediate,on Your tender mercy . . .my heart for You becomesever-more thirsty. I want to drink in,all of Your compassion . . .I want to bottle upeach drop of Your passion. Oh, Lord when I ponder,on Your abundant grace . . .I cannot but help to falldown on… (more…)

Today’s Poem: United

to GOD be the GLORY ~ United ~ By Deborah Ann When God teaches you,the truth He will showand the things of His willyou will want to know. When God in His Word,begins to guide youyou’ll want godly conductin the things that you do. When God teaches you,how to walk on His wayyou will choose carefullythe things that you say.… (more…)