Tag Archives: Heart of Flesh

Today’s Poem: Cries From The Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Cries From The Heart ~ By Deborah Ann The cries of the heart,don’t fall on deaf earsfor each one of themGod promises to hear. The cry for a heart,after His owntells Him you longto make it His home. The cry for a heart,He can transformtells Him you wantit to be His platform. The cry for… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Here’s My Heart Lord

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Here’s My Heart Lord ~ By Deborah Ann Here’s my heart Lord,it’s covered in red . . .reflecting the bloodfor me You shed. It once was a heart,cold like a stonebut now it is onethat has been atoned. Here’s my heart Lord,it now belongs to YouI surrender it in wholedo what You must do. It… (more…)