Tag Archives: Gratitude

Today’s Poem: I am Thankful

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I am Thankful ~ By Deborah Ann Today I am thankful,for my daily breadfor the Holy Spiritby whom I am lead. For the abundance,of faith and gracefor Jesus’ strengthto stay in the race. Today I am grateful,to my Father abovefor His tender mercyHis wondrous love. For His Goodness,all He providesfor the powerHe daily supplies. Lord,… (more…)

Today’s Poem: My Morning Song

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Morning Song ~ By Deborah Ann Early in the morning,before the sun is ablazeI give a shout of joywith a song of heartfelt praise. I make a sweet melody,to show God my gratitudeas I sing out my praiseswith a joyful attitude. Early in the morning,before the sun begins to riseI thank God for His… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Gratitude Believes

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Gratitude Believes ~ By Deborah Ann Gratitude believes God,is in absolute controlit trusts His provisionwith a meek, humble soul. Gratitude shows God,how much it is thankfuldaily it has an attitudeof being heartily grateful. Gratitude has true rest,peace and contentmentfor what life may bringit holds no resentment. Gratitude finds real joy,upon the dawn of dayit… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Joyful, Thankful Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Joyful, Thankful Heart ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, a joyful, thankful heart,I bring to Thanksgiving’s tablea soul forever grateful . . .to You, for all that You are able. You make my plate complete,when from Your Word I reapthe full bounty of Your gracein Your kindness I do steep. You fill me with such… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Father, How Can I Show My Gratitude

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Father, How Can I Show My Gratitude ~ By Deborah Ann Father, how can I show my gratitude,my gratefulness for all You’ve donehow can I show my thankfulnessfor the eternal gift of Your Son? What can I do to repay You,for the kindness You’ve shown mewhat can I give back to Youso my appreciation You… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Voice Of Thanksgiving

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Voice of Thanksgiving ~ By Deborah Ann May the voice of thanksgiving,be heard joyfully today . . .may words of gratefulnessbe sung heartily as we pray. May our heartfelt thoughts,offer God His due praisemay we be gratefulas our thanks to Him we raise. May the voice of gratitude,be heard loud and clearmay our humble… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Count All Your Blessings

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Count All Your Blessings ~ By Deborah Ann Count all your blessings,each and every blessed oneadd them all togetherand be grateful for the sum. Be thankful for all you have,demonstrate your gratitudelet your appreciationreflect in your attitude. Appreciate your wealth,no matter how great or smallpresent your gratefulnessto God who supplies it all. Let your thankfulness,spread… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: A Calm That Doesn’t Cease

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Calm That Doesn’t Cease ~ By Deborah Ann Today I’m resting,my hope will sustainfor in my Lordmy faith shall remain. Though I’ve troubles,cares and worries tootrusting in my Lordis all I need to do. Today I’m at peace,my hope will providefor in my LordI know I can confide. Through I’ve concerns,difficulties and woesI know… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Blessing Counting

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Blessing Counting ~ By Deborah Ann Don’t number your burdens,instead count your blessingsfor burden counting, addingcan be gloomy and depressing. So let your mind run free,and add up all the waysGod has provided you . . .with your needs each day. Don’t list your complaints,instead tally up God’s benefitsfor complaining, tallyinghas disheartening elements. So… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Heart Full Of Grace

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Heart Full of Grace ~ By Deborah Ann When a heart is full of grace, it’s a heart that is kind compassion for others it always tries to find. It puts on humility, wears the cloak of patience it dresses itself with modesty wears the robe of justice. It’s wrapped in peace, It’s covered… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Searched Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Searched Heart ~ By Deborah Ann When God searches, man’s innermost being He looks for a heart trusting and believing. He knows every intent, behind every deed for, every heart to Him is an open book to read. When God searches, man’s inward parts He searches the core of everyone’s hearts. He can see… (more…)

POEM: Counting My Blessings

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Counting My Blessings ~ By Deborah Ann If I could add up, all of my blessings the total sum of them . . . I’d only be guessing. For, God sends to me, new ones each day yet, I don’t notice them as they come my way. If I’d only slow down, I know I… (more…)

Poem: Dwelling On God’s Word

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Dwelling On God’s Word ~ By Deborah Ann Let the words of Jesus, teach us how to be wise let them dwell in our hearts so our minds they’ll advise. Let His words reflect, daily in our attitude for they are full of grace joy, hope and gratitude. Let Jesus’ life become, one we… (more…)

Thank You Father ~

Father, I thank You for Jesus, the Anchor of my soul my Rock unto which I cling my Comforter who consoles. I thank You for His blood, the forgiveness of my sin I thank You for His grace that now flows deep within. I thank You for His love, the power I received the strength He has given me since the… (more…)

Hope Everlasting ~

Hope brings . . . my heart gladness, rest unto my strife Hope gives me courage brings strength to my life. Hope lifts up my soul, fills me full of grace Hope teaches me to wait to seek His Holy face. Hope is my shield, in these days of evil Hope is my escape from the world’s upheaval. Hope is my… (more…)

My Precious Savior ~

Oh, my Lord, my God, my precious Savior . . . Your goodness and mercy I will ~ forever savor. You fill my life, with purposeful meaning how could I live . . . if on You, I wasn’t leaning. You’ve captured my heart, my thoughts, You have taken no matter what life brings from You, I’ll not be shaken.… (more…)

Thank You My Friend ~

To My Friend . . . You have blessed me, with words of encouragement you have provided me with spiritual nourishment. You have helped me, through my pain and grief you have brought me refreshment and relief. You have given me, hope in a dark place you have revealed to me the truth about real grace. You have comforted me,… (more…)

Forget the Turkey ~

Forget about the turkey,  the dressing and the sides  forget about the pumpkin  pecan or chocolate pies.   Instead lift up your voice,  with shouts of joy and praise  to God your loving Father  let your thanksgiving raise.   Forget about the cleaning,  the flowers and table setting  forget about all the stuff . . .  over which you’re sweating.… (more…)

Heartfelt Gratitude ~

Lord, may I always have, an appreciative attitude one filled with adoration thanksgiving and gratitude. May I always be grateful, whether sick or healthy may I always be thankful be I penniless or wealthy. Lord, may I be thankful, to You, for all things happy with the provision Your daily grace brings. May I always be glad, to receive Your… (more…)

Not Just on Thanksgiving ~

It’s not just on Thanksgiving, that we’re to be thankful . . . it’s not only on this one day that we’re to be grateful It’s about being appreciative, every day in every way it’s all about our attitude in all the things, we do and say. It’s not about the tasty food, on today’s white linen table it’s not… (more…)

Eternally Grateful ~

Oh, Lord when I mediate, on Your tender mercy . . . my heart for You becomes ever-more thirsty. I want to drink in, all of Your compassion . . . I want to bottle up each drop of Your passion. Oh, Lord when I ponder, on Your abundant grace . . . I cannot, but help to fall down on my thankful face. Not… (more…)

Thank You God ~

I thank You God, for everything . . . for the hope Your mercy brings. I thank You God, for Your Son for the work He has begun. I thank You God, for Your goodness for the joy of Your fullness. I thank You God, for prayers granted for the peace You’ve implanted. I thank You God, for deliverance for… (more…)

What Thanksgiving Brings ~

Thanksgiving brings hope, where there is none thanksgiving brings gladness as praise rolls of the tongue. Thanksgiving brings calm, where there is chaos thanksgiving brings joyfulness with peace, as its payoff. Thanksgiving brings trust, where there is doubt thanksgiving brings jubilation to those who are devout. Thanksgiving brings power, where there is weakness thanksgiving brings merriment healing and completeness. Thanksgiving brings… (more…)

Thankfulness ~

This year I am thankful, for so many things . . . but mostly for my faith the peace that it brings. I am forever indebted, for the gift of salvation how by the grace of Jesus I’ve eternal redemption. I am thankful for the truth, setting me free from sin I am ever appreciative for the power I’ve within.… (more…)

Gracious Gratitude ~

Not just on Thanksgiving, but every day of the year give God your heartfelt praise and it will bring you cheer. For when we are thankful, the entire year through joy will flood our hearts spilling over in all we do. Every minute of the day, thank God for His grace every second you’re alive praise His holy face. Give… (more…)

Our Plate of Goodness ~

I love this time of year, with Thanksgiving just ahead it reminds me of some facts in the Bible I have read . . . In everything, be grateful, let joy and praise flow out of you in all things, be thankful give God, the glory He is due. Make peacefulness your habitation, let your gentleness be made known be… (more…)

Oh, Sing my Soul Sing ~

n Sing, oh my soul, get down on your knees sing songs of praises oh, sing my soul, sing. Sing of His goodness, His faithfulness too sing of His kindness oh, sing my soul, sing. Sing of His mercy, lift your arms in the air sing of His compassion oh, sing my soul, sing. Sing of His grace, His forgiveness… (more…)

Thankful For All Things ~

It’s easy to be thankful, when things are going well when we are trouble-free no fears on which to dwell. But, when burdens become, crushing and all-consuming it’s hard to show gratitude when stress is ever-looming. It’s difficult to say thank you, in the middle of our strife it’s not easy to be grateful for the trials in this life.… (more…)

The Path of Praise ~

The path of praise is paved, with songs of joyousness glorious hallelujahs sung with thankfulness. Praise fills the hearts, of those who seek the Lord they sing salvation’s song with gratitude in each chord. Trusting voices raise offerings, of praise and adoration to their almighty God they sing their admiration. Faithful lips sing the words, of devotion to their Savior… (more…)