Tag Archives: God’s Grace

Today’s Poem: A New Earth and Heaven

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A New Earth and Heaven ~ By Deborah Ann When I think about,when the earth will be no moreinto the Word of God I godigging deeper as I explore. I find throughout the pages,the warnings God has given usto seek His face while it can be foundand in Him, to learn to trust. I see… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Not One Should Perish

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Not One Should Perish ~ By Deborah Ann Thank you Father,for taking Your timeso You can call“more people mine.” Thank you Father,for being slowlest Your angerwe’d all know. Thank You Father,for not being slackso Your lost sheepmay come back. Thank You Father,for being forgivingwhen we repentof ungodly living. Thank You Father,for Your desire . .… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: While I Wait And See

to GOD be the GLORY ~ While I Wait and See~ By Deborah Ann I do a lot of waiting,while God is contemplatingthe answers to my prayerswhile going through my cares. I do a lot of sitting,while God begins siftingthe replies He has for mein this seat of wait and see. I do a lot of hoping,while God starts His probinginto… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Oh, If I Could Fly

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Oh, If I Could Fly Away ~ By Deborah Ann Oh, if I could fly away,I’d soar into my Savior’s armsthere I would find my quiet restand be safe from all that harms. I would take off and reside,under the shadow of His wingsI’d be free from all the strifeliving in this world often brings.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Don’t Be Vengeful

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Don’t Be Vengeful ~ By Deborah Ann Do not be vengeful,don’t try to get evendo not hold a grudgefor any kind of reason. Do not be spiteful,don’t be mercilessdo not be cruelor become heartless. Do not be resentful,don’t be enviousdon’t be embroiledin others pettiness. Do not be hateful,don’t be criticaldo not be unforgivingnor become cynical.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Soar

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Soar ~ By Deborah Ann Eagles wings,oh, how they soarabove the world’smenacing roar. Glide in faith,on the air of trustgrows not wearyagainst the gust. Eagles wings,strong and suretorrid weatherthey do endure. Fainting not,upon resistancefly’s on hopeto go the distance. Eagles wings,mount and riseabove the fear . . .before their eyes! ~~~~~~ Isaiah 40:31 But… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Shadow Descends

to GOD be the GLORY November 10, 2019 ~ A Shadow Descends ~ By Deborah Ann A shadow follows me,wherever I may go . . .I see its silhouetteupon morning’s glow. It shrouds me,in my Father’s lightit changes not a bitfrom day to night. A shadow falls on me,from a secret placefrom where it comesback to heaven I trace. It blankets… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Under The Umbrella Of God’s Love

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Under The Umbrella Of God’s Love ~ By Deborah Ann Under God’s umbrella,of His merciful loveall of us He protectsfrom His throne above. He shields our weary hearts,covers our worried mindsso that His perfect peacewe can always come to find. Under God’s umbrella,of Jesus’ forgiving graceare the spokes of trustto keep us going in the… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Warm Summer’s Day

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Warm Summer Day ~ By Deborah Ann Give me a warm summer day,a cool breeze on my faceand I’ll tell you all about . . .my Father’s mercy and grace. For when I’m basking in,the warmth of His loveI find myself engulfedin His peace from above. Give me a long lazy day,with nothing else… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Heavenly Minded

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Heavenly Minded ~ By Deborah Ann When you are,heavenly mindedin this worldyou won’t be blinded. For when you know,your real citizenshipinto satan trapsyou will not fall or slip. When you live,a life worthy ofthe grace of Jesusand His love. Then you will be,a light that reflectsHis life and powerand its effects. When you are,heavenly… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Worry Ends

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Worry Ends ~ By Deborah Ann Worry ends,when faith kicks init withdrawsto our trust within. For when in God,peace we findworry can’t playwith our mind. Fear ceases,where love existsdoubt dissolveswhere hope persists. For when in Jesus,our faith we placeour fears will fleein the sight of grace. Worry and fear,are forced outwhen to the Lordwe… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Forgiveness Is Like An Eraser

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Forgiveness Is Like An Eraser ~ By Deborah Ann  Forgiveness is like an eraser,God wipes our sins awayonce we confess and repentfor them we don’t have to pay. For, the slate He rubs clean,of our every offensetis why He sent Jesus . . .to come to our defense. God doesn’t keep a notebook,filled up with… (more…)

Today’s Poem: My Secret Place

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Secret Place ~ By Deborah Ann In that secret place,is where I long to dwellit’s when with my soulall is quiet and well. Underneath the shadow,of God’s love and graceit’s where my heart findsa quiet resting place. With the most High,is where I yearn to beit’s when in my minda calm settles in me.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Difficult People

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Difficult People ~ By Deborah Ann Difficult people,are everywherethey can be at homeor out anywhere. They are not easy,around to even be . . .yet, God’s love in uswe must let them see. Difficult people,are conflict driventhey don’t really careabout your opinion. They are gunning,to get on our nervesyet, God’s mercieson them we need… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Trump Bellowing Out

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Trump Bellowing Out ~ By Deborah Ann One day out of heaven,you’ll hear a shoutalong with a trumpbellowing out. A voice you will hear,of that of a Kingsignaling eternal peaceI’m here to bring. The dead will rise up,from their earthly graveas they believe Jesus’ lifefor their sins He gave. Those who are yet alive,will… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Blessing Counting

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Blessing Counting ~ By Deborah Ann Don’t number your burdens,instead count your blessingsfor burden counting, addingcan be gloomy and depressing. So let your mind run free,and add up all the waysGod has provided you . . .with your needs each day. Don’t list your complaints,instead tally up God’s benefitsfor complaining, tallyinghas disheartening elements. So… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Finishing Well

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Finishing Well ~ By Deborah Ann Whatever you begin,finish it well . . .let the power of Godrise in you and swell. Be faithful all the way,as you run the racehold on to the hopeof the Gospel of grace. Whatever you start,finish it well . . .let the Holy Spirityour fears quell. Trust and… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Jesus Came To Save

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Jesus Came To Save ~ By Deborah Ann Jesus came not to condemn,but to save us from our sinto free us from the bondageof the evilness that lives within. But, the flesh fights the spirit,and works its way into our lifebringing us upheaval in this worldand into the next one endless strife. The works of… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Specail Gift

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Special Gift ~ By Deborah Ann Each of us has a purpose,we just need to find it . . .each has a talent to applyso together we can fit. Each of us has a measure,of faith to utilizeeach has a job to doif our gifts we’d realize. Each of us has a role,a service… (more…)

Today’s Poem Knitted Together

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Knitted Together ~ By Deborah Ann Knitted together,with the strandsof love and graceheld in God’s hands. Hearts joined,with assuranceto run the racewith endurance. Stitched collectively,to become onewith the riches foundin Father and Son. Clothed in righteousness,the fabric of our lifeso to encourage othersthrough worldly strife. Knitted together,by God’s hand . . .so we may… (more…)

Today’s Poem: More Than We Can Imagine

to GOD be the GLORY ~ More Than We Can Imagine ~ By Deborah Ann More than we can understand,more than we can conceiveis what God can do for thosewho trust in Him and believe. More than we can ever think,more than we can ever dareis what God can do for thosewho give Him their every care. More than we can… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God’s Masterpiece

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Masterpiece! By Deborah Ann You are a masterpiece,a portrayal of pure lovefor you are put togetherby the Creator up above. You are a work of genius,God knew just what to dofor He put His very imageand heart inside of you. You are picture perfect,you look like no other oneFor God’s portrait of youis… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Words Spoken In Deed

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Words Spoken in Deeds ~ By Deborah Ann Acts of kindness,words of hopewe all need themto help us cope. Acts of compassion,words of forgivenesswe should all makeour daily business. Acts of love,words of encouragementhelps us throughour own discouragement. Acts of gentleness,words of appreciationseen in our actionsand communication. Acts of generositywords of helpfulnessleaves no roomfor our… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Soaking Up God’s Peace

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Soaking Up God’s Peace ~ By Deborah Ann Sometimes ~ I just want to stand,on top of the highest hillraise my hands to the Lordtell Him how I really feel. I want to shout out my love,hear His echo back at meI want to close my eyes tightuntil His glory is all I see. Sometimes… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Give Me Wisdom

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Give Me The Wisdom ~ By Deborah Ann Oh, Lord give me wisdom,to know what to sayso others I may guideto the righteous way. Help me to redeem,the time allotted meto help blinded eyesYour saving light to see. Oh, Lord keep me seasoned,let me not lose my flavorso I may lead othersto also find their… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Be Still And Know

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Be Still and Know ~ By Deborah Ann Stop what you’re doing,I want you to be awedbe still and knowthat I am your God. Quit trying,let Me take care of youquit stumblingI know just what to do. Quick fretting,let Me work this outquit worryinggive Me all that doubt. Quit panicking,I have your front and backquit… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Hopefully Joyful

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Hopefully, Joyful ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, once againYou proved to be faithfuland once again to YouI am truly grateful. For, You have taught me,how to cast my caresonto You with my pleasand my thankful prayers. Lord, once again,You proved to be trustingand to my aide todayYou faithfully came rushing. You assured me,for me… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Trials of Faith

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Trials of Faith ~ By Deborah Ann The trials of our faith,are more precious than goldas God is refining usfor Him, to be bold. They’re teaching us to trust,God in and for everythingfor He knows our faithalways needs strengthening. The trials of our faith,keeps us looking forwardthe hope that is to comestops us looking… (more…)

Today’s Poem: My Redeemer Lives

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Redeemer Lives ~ By Deborah Ann I know my Redeemer,today yet livesI know my sinsHe still forgives. I know my Savior,came to save meI know His gracehas set me free. I know in Jesus,hope is foundI know in Himpeace is sound. I know with Christ,all is made newI know my heartHe will renew. I… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: When Trials Blow Are Way

to GOD be the GLORY ~ When Trials Blow Our Way ~ By Deborah Ann When trials blow our way,on the winds of stresswhen we start to feeltense and hard pressed. That’s when we need to go,to the One who’ll easethe whirlwind we are ininto a tranquil breeze. When adversity slams,on the door of our trustwhen anxiety’s clamorstarts to overwhelm us.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Because of Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Because of Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann Because of Jesus,tomorrow is brightbecause of Himthere is now Light. He is my Truth,my earthly guideHe is my Friendmy true confide. Because of Jesus,I have no fearbecause I knowHe is always near. He is my Way,He leads me toall things goodall things true. Because He loved,me at the first… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: This Is A Test

to GOD be the GLORY ~ This is A Test ~ By Deborah Ann God’s sending me tests,He’s giving me situationsHe’s seeing if I’ll claimHis peace trough tribulations. God’s giving me a chance,to find new grace each dayHe is seeing if my faithwill hold up along the way. God’s working in me patience,He wants to affirm my hopeHe’s teaching me to… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Spirit-Led Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Spirit-Led Heart ~ By Deborah Ann A Spirit-led heart,lives in each of usteaching us howin God to trust. It shows us how,we are to liveso hope to the lostby faith we can give. A Spirit-led life,leads us to knowthe way to Jesuswe need to show. It encourages us,to be a witnessfor Jesus’ graceand forgiveness.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: We All Face Trails

to GOD be the GLORY ~ We All Face Trials ~ By Deborah Ann We all face trials,of many different kindssome attack our bodiesothers beset our minds. Some assault our faith,causing us to doubtsome assail our trusttossing us all about. We all have troubles,just different situationswe all have suffered . . .from diverse temptations. Some know the results,of falling for Satan’s liesother’s… (more…)

Today’s Poem: His Shoulders

to GOD be the GLORY ~ His Shoulders ~ By Deborah Ann His shoulders,my burdenHis gracemy certain. His pity,my sinHis lovemy win. His peace,my regretHis deathmy debt. His forethought,my lackHis intercessionmy back. His shoulders,my lifeHis sorrowmy strife! ~~~ 2 Corinthians 5:21 “For he hath made him to be sin for us,who knew no sin; that we might be madethe righteousness… (more…)