Tag Archives: God’s Peace

#throwbackpoem: Rise Up

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Rise Up ~ By Deborah Ann Some people are paralyzed,with fear and dread . . .some are just hanging onby a thin thread. But, Jesus wants to heal,our guilt and our shamejust like He did for . . .the sick and the lame. Some people are crippled,by the sins of their pastsome are hampered… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God’s In Control

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s In Control ~ By Deborah Ann When I look out at the world,and all God has created . . .I see everything He’s madethough this fact often is debated. But, I will not contend,with what I know to be truefor the earth and the heavensLord, I know belong to You. When I see all… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Smooth Sailing

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Smooth Sailing ~ By Deborah Ann Today there’s smooth sailing,the water’s calm and stillit is such a gorgeous day . . .to just sit back and chill. Got nothing on my mind,my heart seems to be at restmy worries are but fewI am feeling at my best. As I go about my morning,I forget… (more…)

Today’s Poem: If We’re Not To Judge

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If We’re Not To Judge ~ By Deborah Ann If others we are not,to call out or judgethen why do we still holdagainst people a grudge? If we’re not to condemn,but rather to show gracethen why do we criticizeother’s right to their face? If we’re not to deplore,but rather understandthen why do we still holdthe… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Purging and Pruning

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Purging and Pruning ~ By Deborah Ann He deletes,He rids, He clearsthose who haveno Godly fear. He prunes,He snips, He trimsso we who remaincan be more like Him. He purges,He cuts, He chopsso He can growa righteous crop. He tests,He exams, He triesto find those willingto self to die. He prunes,He snips, He paresso more… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Jesus Came Back

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Jesus Came Back ~ By Deborah Ann Jesus came back,as He said He wouldHe said He’d returnand there He stood. With eyes open wide,they watched in dismayfor only three days agoHe had gone away. Jesus appeared again,as if out of the bluetelling them I promisedI would come back to you. With mouths agape,they became afraidfor… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Stand Fast

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Stand Fast ~ By Deborah Ann Stand fast,stay firmbe strongdon’t squirm. Hold on,cling tightbe readyfor a fight. Be watchful,stay soberbe alertnot a dozer. Remain fixed,stand sounduntil the endhold ground. Stand firm,hold onbe strongin God’s Son! ~~~~~~~~ 1 Corinthians 16:13 Watch ye, stand fastin the faith, quit youlike men, be strong. King James VersionPublic Domain… (more…)

Today’s Poem: I long To Dwell

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Long To Dwell ~ By Deborah Ann I long to dwell,in eternal peace . . .where fear and deathwill forever cease. Where things are seen,through tear free eyeswhere joyous shoutsare the only cries. I long to dwell,on the other sidewhere with Godbeliever’s reside. Where sorrow stops,as mourning endsto spend eternitywith my forever Friend. I… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: If We’d Put Aside

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If We’d Put Aside ~ By Deborah Ann If we were to put aside,all our hate and malicewe would not come acrossas so cold and callous. If we were not filled,with pride and envywe would come acrossas genuine and friendly. If we were to behave,less hypocriticalwe would come acrossnot so judgmental. If we were not… (more…)

Today’s Poem: That Beam

to GOD be the GLORY ~ That Beam ~ By Deborah Ann God’s Word will remove,that beam in your eyeif only the truth . . .you’ll readily apply. It will take that beam,of vanity and prideand help you to seeyour own faults inside. God’s Word will expose,that beam in your sightif only the truth . . .you’ll see in His… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Spare-Tire Christians

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Spare-Tire Christians ~ By Deborah Ann Spare-tire Christians,smooth and tread-bareonly have faith . . .when they lose air. Calling on God,only when deflatedthe rest of the timetheir ego’s inflated. Spare-tire Christians,come out of the trunkonly when they run . . .out of good luck. Praying to God,for an easy, quick fixthen they speed offback… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Grieve Not

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Grieve Not ~ By Deborah Ann Father may my words,not cause grief to Yourather let them bring praisefor all for me You do. Let my speech be used,solely for edifyinglet my remarks bepurposely purifying. Father may my lips,evil not ever speakrather let them strengthenthose who are weak. Let my mouth not be,like a gurgling… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Heart’s In Harmony

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Hearts In Harmony ~ By Deborah Ann Hearts in harmony,have the same tonefor they know Jesustheir sins did atone. Hearts in unity,have the same feelingfor they know His gracebrings inner healing. Hearts in unison,have the same pitchfor they know His lovemakes the poor rich. Hearts in cohesion,have the same flavorfor they know the hopeof having… (more…)

Today’s Poem: In God’s Hands

to GOD be the GLORY ~ In God’s Hands ~ By Deborah Ann In God’s hands,I clearly fitby His own fingersmy soul He did knit. For in the womb,they formed mejust like the podof a pea. In God’s hands,I want to stayand be to Hima piece of clay. For He molded,my heart in themjust like the budon top of a stem.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Into The Heart Of Me

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Into The Heart Of Me ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, let me not forget,how You can always seewhenever I am going . . .wherever it is I be. Let me be found faithful,in doing what is Your willlet all I do be donewith the Holy Spirit’s zeal. Lord, let me be pleasing,not in man’s rebellious… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Hat Juggling

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Hat Juggling ~ By Deborah Ann We all wear various hats,of miscellaneous kinds . . .we all have certain rolestossing around in our minds. But, when for the Lord,we perform our tasksHe’ll help us balance themwhen for His help we ask. We all wear assorted hats,of differing forms . . .we all have vast… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Seed Of Sin

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Seed of Sin ~ By Deborah Ann The seed of sin,is in every heartit’s been that wayfrom the very start. Once sin took hold,it became rootedwith pride and envyit’s now embedded. The seed of sin,grows just like a weedas it cultivatesmore lust and greed. There is no heart,that is not includedeach one by sinhas… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Jesus Came To Free Us

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Jesus Came To Free Us ~ By Deborah Ann Jesus came to free us,free us from all fearHe came with a promise . . .to be always to us near. He came to liberate us,liberate us from our debtHe came with a promise . . .to give us a new mindset. Jesus came to free… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: If Today You Would Hear

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If Today You Would Hear ~ By Deborah Ann Today if you would hear,if your ears you’d openyou will hear the truthbe told and spoken. For God will speak,right to your heartclosing the chasmkeeping you apart. Today if you would listen,you’d will be able to hearJesus calling youto come close and near. For He wants… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Man’s Heart Of Stone

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Man’s Heart of Stone ~ By Deborah Ann Man has a heart of stone,for God there’s no desirethe Bible is meaninglessnot a word does it inspire. But Jesus can remove,the stiffness and hardnesstill it is a heart of fleshresembling His likeness. Man is dead in sin,lives in utter darknesssees no need for God . .… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Faith Springs Forth

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Faith Springs Forth ~ By Deborah Ann Faith springs from the heart,as mercy falls from abovethe earth becomes enrichedby the grace of Jesus’ love. Hope dwells internally,the seed has been plantedall who willing come to Jesuseternal salvation is granted. Truth descends from heaven,peace to earth Jesus bringsthe world opens up its armto receive its King… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Holy Conversion

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Holy Conversion ~ By Deborah Ann A new life in Christ,a holy conversion . . .one saving us fromlust filled perversion. Once dead in trespasses,now in hope are we aliveno longer are our soulsfrom eternity deprived. Born-again and appointed,to a new divine life . . .the natural man gonetaking with him our strife. Free… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Oh, My Unrepented Friends

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Oh, My Unrepentant Friend ~ By Deborah Ann Oh my unrepentant friend,don’t think you are goodfor not one person . . .does as they should. That hate that you have,embedded in your heartwill keep you and Goddistant and far apart. Oh, my tolerant friend,don’t you be deceivedfor everyone by sinis sick and diseased. By your… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Anchor Of Our Soul

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Anchor Of Our Soul ~ By Deborah Ann An Anchor to the soul,the hope of our certaintyJesus became the wayto everlasting eternity. Sure and steadfast,in the truth groundedour salvation in Himis securely founded. The veil has been lifted,through Christ we enter inin His righteousnessno longer bound to sin. To His Father in heaven,He gave us… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: If You Will Seek

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If You Will Seek ~ By Deborah Ann If to God you draw near,He will hear your cryif you confess your sinsyour heart He’ll purify. If you will seek His face,He will hear your prayerif you call on His nameyour life He will repair. If you return to God,you will be restoredif with your whole… (more…)

Today’s Poem: This Is My Truth

to GOD be the GLORY ~ This Is My Truth ~ By Deborah Ann This is what it’s about,this is faith, not doubtthis is believing . . .without really seeing. This is the one thing,that hope can bringknowing that eternityisn’t some absurdity. This is what I believe,this is what I receiveGod’s the only true Oneand Jesus is His Son. This is… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Repentant Tears

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Repentant Tears ~ By Deborah Ann Repentant tears,begin to fall . . .as soon as onehears the call. From the Spirit,of the Holy Onewho gave His lifefor everyone. Down somewhere,in the heart deepa soul can’t helpbut to sob and weep. For once it encounters,Jesus’ love and gracetears flow thankfullydown it’s grateful face. Repentant tears,never… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A New Life In Christ

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A New Life In Christ ~ By Deborah Ann A new life in Christ,works needed no morenow grace and loveopens heaven’s door. For all things old,no longer acceptableonce Jesus became . . .our sin’s receptacle. A new life in Christ,death to the lawno longer underit’s working claw. For Jesus died,to set us all freeso under… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Filled With God’s Goodness

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Filled With God’s Goodness ~ By Deborah Ann I want to know God,in all of His Fullnessso I can understandall of His Goodness. I want to discover,the power He impartsso that it can changeevery inch of my heart. I want to know Jesus,His gift of eternal lifeso I can be set freeof my earthly strife.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Good Ground

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Good Ground ~ By Deborah Ann A seed once fell,on the good groundand oh how my life . . .it has turned around. It slowly sprang up,began to bear  fruitfor it in Jesus . . .grew up and took root. A seed was cultivated,out of a conversationabout how Jesus . . .was the way… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Have Pity On Us Father

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Have Pity On Us Father ~ By Deborah Ann Have pity on us Father,for the error of our waysrain down on us Your mercyand we’ll shower You with our praise. Forgive us of our wanderings,for going from You astraygive us Your compassionand our gratefulness to you we’ll display. Have pity on us Father,for we have… (more…)

Today’s Poem: There Is No Profit

to GOD be the GLORY ~ There Is No Profit ~ By Deborah Ann There is no profit,to be made . . .all earthly wealthwill rust and fade. There is no gain,to be gotten . . .all worldly thingswill become rotten. There is no future,to be obtained . . .all earthy wealthcan’t be retained. There is no hope,to be secured .… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Is Relentless

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Is Relentless ~ By Deborah Ann God is relentless,in His steady seekingto find the souls . . .who salvation are needing. For it’s His desire,not one should perishevery life to Him . . .is one to cherish. God is on a quest,looking all aboutto find more hearts . .He can rid of doubt. For… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Some Believers

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Some Believers ~ By Deborah Ann Some believers,refuse in grace to growabout their life of sinthey don’t want to know. They don’t want to be,to God responsiblethey don’t want to hearthey’ll be accountable. Some believers,refuse in faith to maturethey don’t want to knowwhat makes them impure. They don’t want to follow,the  straight-narrow wayinstead on… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Jesus Is Waiting For You

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Jesus Is Waiting For You~ By Deborah Ann Jesus is waiting,for you at the well  . . .He wants you to sitwith Him for a spell. He knows you’re thirsty,for your soul, He is tooHe wants to give youlife from another view. Jesus is waiting,for you to dip down inthe water that’s living . .… (more…)