Tag Archives: God’s Mercy

Today’s Poem: God Guides My Feet

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Guides My Feet ~ By Deborah Ann Belka God guides my feet,over mountain topsonto high ground . . .in faith, they do hop. He leads my steps,through jagged spacesto prove to me . . .significant is His grace. He shines His light,ahead of my stepsmy soles He secures . . .His love they project.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Oh, To Discover God

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Oh, To Discover God ~ By Deborah Ann Belka Oh, to discover,the riches of wisdomis to have a lifewith God in rhythm. To seek and to find,the meaning of graceis to have your soulHis mercy embrace. Oh, to be a searcher,of God’s counselis to have a heartquiet and peaceful. To find the direction,in which you… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Dispisers Of Truth

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Despisers Of Truth ~ By Deborah Ann   You can talk until,you’re blue in the facebut, some don’t wantto hear about grace. You can tell them about,God and His mercy and lovebut, they still won’t believein His kingdom above. You can speak your mind,all that you wantbut, their transgressions will not their soul’s haunt.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: My Savior

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Savior ~ By Deborah Ann When I was lost,Jesus found meHe opened my eyesso His grace I’d see. When I wandered,Jesus looked for meHe brought me homeso His mercy I’d see. When I stumbled,Jesus caught meHe loosened my loadso His favor I’d see. When I failed,Jesus helped meHe shined His lightso the way… (more…)

Today’s Poem: I am Thankful

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I am Thankful ~ By Deborah Ann Today I am thankful,for my daily breadfor the Holy Spiritby whom I am lead. For the abundance,of faith and gracefor Jesus’ strengthto stay in the race. Today I am grateful,to my Father abovefor His tender mercyHis wondrous love. For His Goodness,all He providesfor the powerHe daily supplies. Lord,… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God of Greater Things

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God of Greater Things ~ By Deborah Ann God of greater things,Holy and Just . . .send mercies showerspouring down on us. Grant our hearts hope,entrench us with Your lightgive to our spiritsthe power of Your might. Father everlasting,Creator of all thingseternity’s peaceto us Your favor brings. Establish our minds,in truth and knowledgefor to Your… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: From Despair To Hope 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ From Despair To Hope ~ By Deborah Ann From despair to hope,from misery to ecstasyare those who Jesus . . .makes not their enemy. For they’ve tasted mercy,the truth they have kissedHis peaceful righteousnessthey have not dismissed. From dismay to trust,from heartbreak to reliefare those who though faithnow have a grace belief. For though they’re… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Lord, I love You

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Lord, I love You ~ By Deborah Ann Lord have I told You lately,just how much I love You . . .have I expressed my gratitudefor all, for me You do? Have I sung to You my praise,for Your mercy and Your gracehave I told you I can’t waittill I can thank You face to… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Faith Springs Forth

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Faith Springs Forth ~ By Deborah Ann Faith springs from the heart,as mercy falls from abovethe earth becomes enrichedby the grace of Jesus’ love. Hope dwells internally,the seed has been plantedall who willing come to Jesuseternal salvation is granted. Truth descends from heaven,peace to earth Jesus bringsthe world opens up its armto receive its King… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: If You Will Seek

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If You Will Seek ~ By Deborah Ann If to God you draw near,He will hear your cryif you confess your sinsyour heart He’ll purify. If you will seek His face,He will hear your prayerif you call on His nameyour life He will repair. If you return to God,you will be restoredif with your whole… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Only Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Only Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann There’s no other name like Jesus,no other One we can call onno other person that can help usto be to His Father drawn. There’s no other name in heaven,no other name given unto manno other person who has for usthe way to salvation’s plan. There’s no other name… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Taste Of God

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Taste Of God ~ By Deborah Ann I have had a taste of God,and all of His goodnessI have sipped from His cupof truth and righteousness. It left me with no appetite,for the world or its waysit has given me hope . . .for peaceful, joyful days. I have had a taste of God,His… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God’s Gift of Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Gift of Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann A Child, a Babe,today is bornthe Son of ManSalvation’s horn. Our Mighty God,the Sacrificial Lambfulfills the Wordof the great I AM. A Carpenter, a King,brings Good Cheer . . .of His Kingdomsoon coming here. Our Counselor, Our Rock,our Father Everlastinglong ago Wise Menwere heard forecasting. A Child… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God’s Gift Of Life

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Gift Of Life ~ By Deborah Ann God’s gift of Life,paving the Wayso for our sinswe not have to pay. For His Word arrived,on CHRISTmas mornwhen to a virginHis Son was born. God’s gift of Life,the True foundationour Cornerstoneto eternal salvation. For God sent His Son,to love and forgiveso with Him in heavenwe can… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Jesus Came To Save

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Jesus Came To Save ~ By Deborah Ann Jesus came not to condemn,but to save us from our sinto free us from the bondageof the evilness that lives within. But, the flesh fights the spirit,and works its way into our lifebringing us upheaval in this worldand into the next one endless strife. The works of… (more…)

Today’s Poem: No Other Name

to GOD be the GLORY ~ No Other Name ~ By Deborah Ann There’s no other name like Jesus, no other one we can call on no other person that can help us to be eternally drawn. There’s no other name under heaven, no other name given unto man no other person that has for us the way to salvation’s plan.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Life Without Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Life Without Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann You may have breath, your heart may beat but, you don’t have Life until Jesus you meet. You may have sight, your eyes may perceive but, you don’t have Life if in God you don’t believe. You may have reason, your ears may detect but, you don’t have… (more…)

Today’s Poem:With All Our Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ With All Our Heart ~ By Deborah Ann When we love God, with all of our heart from Him we’ll never what to be apart. We will pursue Him, night and day we will praise Him when we pray. When we love God, with all of our soul our lives He’ll heal and make whole. We… (more…)

Today’s Poem: If I Could Reach into Your Soul

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If I Could Reach into Your Soul ~ By Deborah Ann If I could reach into your soul, I’d put Jesus into your heart with the promise that from you He will never leave or depart. I would assure you of the hope, that now dwells inside of you I’d tell you to count on… (more…)

Today’s Poem: With All Our Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ With All Our Heart ~ By Deborah Ann When we love God, with all of our heart from Him we’ll never what to be apart. We will pursue Him, night and day we will praise Him when we pray. When we love God, with all of our soul our lives He’ll heal and make whole. We… (more…)

Poem: I Heard From God Today

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Heard From God Today ~ By Deborah Ann I heard from God today, He told me to keep believing He told me to hold fast . . . His peace I’d be receiving. I heard from God today, He told me to take all to Him He told me to always trust to wait… (more…)

POEM: Counting My Blessings

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Counting My Blessings ~ By Deborah Ann If I could add up, all of my blessings the total sum of them . . . I’d only be guessing. For, God sends to me, new ones each day yet, I don’t notice them as they come my way. If I’d only slow down, I know I… (more…)

Poem: The Morning Star

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Morning Star ~ By Deborah Ann The Morning Star,today is shining brightfor unto the world cameGod’s redeeming Light. A child, a babe,God’s begotten Soninto the world He cameto save each and everyone. For, to all of those,who trust and believeHis love and gracetheir soul’s receive. A Savior born,many years agoso on us God’s… (more…)

Poem: So It Be Done

to GOD be the GLORY ~ So It Be Done ~ By Deborah Ann So it be written,so it be done so unto the world .  . .God sent His Son. So it be told,so it be saidso by a star . . .the Magi’s were led. So it be stated,so it be completedso to a manger . . .shepherd’s… (more…)

Poem: I Thank God

to GOD be the GLORY ~I Thank God ~ By Deborah Ann I thank God, for all He’s done for the gift of His Son. I thank God, for what He will do for His mercy making all things new. I thank God, for what’s to come for the hope of His Kingdom. I thank God, for His peace for the… (more…)

Poem: A Time of Thankfulness

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Time of Thankfulness ~ By Deborah Ann A time of thankfulness, a time for gratitude a time to consider . . . a new daily attitude. Not just for the season, but all the year through Lord may we be grateful for all for us You do. A time of blessings, a time for… (more…)

Poem: Dwelling On God’s Word

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Dwelling On God’s Word ~ By Deborah Ann Let the words of Jesus, teach us how to be wise let them dwell in our hearts so our minds they’ll advise. Let His words reflect, daily in our attitude for they are full of grace joy, hope and gratitude. Let Jesus’ life become, one we… (more…)

Poem: The Cornucopia of Contentment

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Cornucopia of Contentment ~ By Deborah Ann Thanksgiving is the time, of finding true contentment a time to praise God . . . without any resentment. A time to discover, the secret of gratitude a time to let thanksgiving become our daily attitude. Thanksgiving is the time, of finding satisfaction a time for… (more…)

POEM: Take Back Your Joy

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Take Back Your Joy ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, give back Your joy, to those stumbling . . . let them feel Your love once again humbling. Reignite in them the hope, when they first meet You let again Your saving light in their life’s break through. Let their repentant heart, once again feel Your… (more…)

The Perfect Way of God ~

to GOD be the GLORY By Deborah Ann God’s way is perfect, it leads to His Son where grace and forgiveness is offered to everyone. God’s way is peaceful, if you trust and believe God’s mercy and favor for yours sins you’ll receive. God’s way is righteous, it is tried and true it’s where you will find why Jesus died… (more…)

Fruit Producing ~

By Deborah Ann Filled with the Spirit, producing His fruit now that in my heart God’s Love took root. As I continue to grow, more Joy and peace I find being Patient is easier to release. As I’m cultivating, the seeds of Gentleness it’s becoming natural to sow deeds of Goodness. Tempering my Faith, with lots of Meekness is helping… (more…)

Poem: I am Fully Persuaded

Poem: Nothing Can Separate us from God’s Love

Love Is Blind

Love Is Blind ~ By Deborah Ann Love is patient, it doesn’t keep score when it’s insulted it doesn’t get sore. Love isn’t self-centered, it isn’t conceited when it is put down it isn’t defeated. Love is kind, it doesn’t get mad when disappointed is doesn’t get sad. Love isn’t self-seeking it isn’t disturbed when it’s agitated it isn’t perturbed. Love… (more…)

In God’s Holy Presence

In God’s holy presence, there’s joy in its fullness pleasures circulating His everlasting goodness. There is peace and hope, a spreading of refreshing an ongoing revolving of life-changing blessings. In God’s holy presence, there’s mercy restoring upon the Holy Spirit’s heart filling outpouring. There’s an internal calm, an outgoing of favor the ongoing flowing of grace from a Savior. In… (more…)

~ Can You Imagine ~

Can you imagine, a world without tears void of the darkness that fuels human fears? Can you imagine, a world without sorrow empty of the anguished heartache of tomorrow? Can you imagine, a world without evil gone the trepidation from terror’s upheaval? Can you imagine, a world without hate free from animosity the need to retaliate? Can you imagine, a world… (more…)