Tag Archives: God Keeps His Promises

#throwbackpoem: God Keeps His Promises

~ God Keeps His Promises ~ By Deborah Ann God keeps His promises,His Word never failsHis promises He keepsright down to the details. Promises of new life,that His Son bringspromises of hopeto work out all things. Promises of comfort,when trails we facepromises of new mercyand sufficient grace. Promises of blessings,of every spiritual kindpromises of His peaceto guard heart and mind.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Of Promise

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Of Promise ~ By Deborah Ann Weaved throughout the Bible,are God’s promises galoreassurances guaranteedfor us to read and explore. There are promises of hope,for today and the futureeach one an eternal pledgeto give our soul a booster. There’s the promise of comfort,the wiping away of our tearsand the one that brings us peaceknowing… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: I Will Strengthen You

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Will Strengthen You ~ By Deborah Ann I will strengthen thee,how simple this soundsbut, it can be so hardwhen our troubles abound. For, often we fail to take,a hold on God’s promiseperhaps because in us . . .there’s a little doubting Thomas. I will strengthen you,how easy this would beif our pride we’d let… (more…)