Tag Archives: Fight the Good Fight

Today’s Poem: God Promises To Help Us

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Promises To Help Us ~ By Deborah Ann Belka God promises to help us,when fighting battlesHe promises to keep usfrom getting rattled. He gives us the strength,to fight and contendHe gives us the powerour faith to defend. God promises to keep us,secure and protectedHe promises to help usstay to Him connected. He gives us… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Winning The Fight

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Winning The Fight ~ By Deborah Ann Each day is a battle,we must fightagainst the darknesswith God’s light. Against the forces,led by the devilagainst his armiessaying good is evil. Our spiritual enemies,are all around usto their wicked waysthey want us to adjust. But, we must stand,for what we believeand their evil lieswe must not… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: I Can Remain

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Can Remain ~ By Deborah Ann I cannot change,what God has plannedbut I can remain . . .faithful in my stand. I cannot change,what is God’s willbut I can remain . . .peaceful and still. I cannot change,God’s directionsbut I can remain . . .ready for corrections. I cannot change,God’s heart divinebut I can… (more…)