Tag Archives: Fall

Today’s Poem: Fall’s Refreshing Rain

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Fall’s Refreshing Rain ~ By Deborah Ann I love when God sends,Fall’s first refreshing rainto wash away the grimeon my soul’s windowpane. It helps me to see,over summers hot breakthe dryness that’s within . . .the changes I need to make. I study the dust settling,atop my old, trusty Bibleshaking it off I am readyfor a Holy Spirit revival.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God’s Finger Painting

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Finger Painting ~ By Deborah Ann I love when God,starts to finger paintAutumn’s glorious colorswith no holds or restraint. The colors splash about,vibrant shades of orange-redmingled with shiny sliversof brilliant golden thread. The streets begin to smear,with crispy yellow leavesas they do their wind danceto moonless roads they cleave. As the rain begins to… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Colors Of Things Coming

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Color Of Things Coming ~ By Deborah Ann I watch Fall’s colored leaves,turn from red to golden browndrifting on the breeze of Autumnfloating idly to the ground. They lay in all their splendor,till rake piles them knee-highfor eye to see and foot to crushbefore they wither away and die. Fall reminds me of the… (more…)