Tag Archives: Faith

New Year’s Resolutions ~

Now that the holidays, are finished and over . . . we’re ready to make up our new plans, to go for. So we write out our list, of freshly made resolutions arrange them out carefully for their perfect executions. We set out all determined, to reach our new-born goals but within the first months we lose all our self-control. So… (more…)

Seeking God’s Favor ~

Those who seek God’s favor, rejoice in the morning . . . they give ear to His word He considers their groaning. They cry out to the living God, for answers to their prayers they trust He will respond to their worries and their cares. They know He will protect them, from the burdens life brings tis why at the… (more…)

A Quiet Heart ~

A quiet heart is one, soaked in confidence for God’s mighty power has in it, dominance. A quiet heart is one, having nothing to fear for it knows God’s promise is to always be near. A quiet heart is one, steeped in eternal peace for the faith that it holds brings it constant release. A quiet heart is one, standing calmly still… (more…)

Jesus is Always There ~

Through all the pain and sorrow, the ones we own, the ones we borrow the ones we make, the ones we bear Jesus is always there . . . Within all the grief of our tears, the ones of love, the ones of fears the ones we cause, the ones we share Jesus is always there . . . During… (more…)

My Gifts to Jesus ~

Lord, this year my gifts, to You are going to be to find joy and peace in whatever You send me. I’m going to give You, a life of faithful service filled with perseverance determination and purpose. I’ll give You a whole heart, full of praise and adoration each day I will show to You my love and appreciation. I’m… (more…)

The Eternal GIft ~

The birth of baby Jesus, our Lord and precious Savior holds a special place in hearts that don’t waver. For we embrace the light, He brought to us this day we know Christ is the truth and to God . . . the only way. We relish in the eternal joy, of what His life means to us our greatest… (more…)

The Gift of Grace ~

There’s only one gift, that fits one and all . . . it doesn’t matter your size or if you’re big or small. It’s the perfect gift, it has a lifetime guarantee it’s not something you’ll find under your Christmas tree. You cannot buy it in a store, it’s not for auction or sale you can’t find it on the… (more…)

The True Light ~

The true light of the season, isn’t wrapped around our trees the true light of the season isn’t hanging from our eaves. The true light of the season, isn’t put up, only once a year the true light of the season isn’t part of our Christmas gear. The true light of the season, never burns out or blows a fuse… (more…)

Special Delivery ~

This year God has for you, a very special gift . . if you will receive it your spirits it will lift. This present that He has, will surely change your life fill you with joy and peace ease your pain and strife. There isn’t any other gift, you will ever get with the promise to erase away all your… (more…)

CHRISTmas Controversy ~

CHRISTmas’ controversy, is upon us once again . . . but this year from it I am going to abstain. You see I don’t care, what the argument is about I only care about getting the name of Christ out. No other name brings, such debate and discussion no other birth has such . . . an everlasting repercussion. Let… (more…)

My Gift of Trust ~

Lord, I don’t have gold or frankincense, and it seems, I am all out of myrrh but I have a gift just as wonderful and I know You’ll agree and concur. For what I have to offer You, is more precious to You then these so, I come to You with my treasure and offer it to You on bended… (more…)

The Gift That Keeps Giving ~

I have for you a gift, that keeps on giving I bet it’s like no other that you’ll be getting. It takes a whole lifetime, to discover its full measure ah, but what is inside you will forever treasure. There is no real price, anyone can put on it it’s so enormous in value that everyone it fits. It’s bundled… (more…)

The Wise Still Seek Him ~

The wise still seek Him, they look to the Morning Star they follow where He leads no matter how far. They come to praise Him, to worship and adore the wise still seek Him wherever they are. The wise still offer Him, gifts from their hearts faith, trust and love nothing keeps them apart. They seek His love, His mercy… (more…)

Thankfulness ~

This year I am thankful, for so many things . . . but mostly for my faith the peace that it brings. I am forever indebted, for the gift of salvation how by the grace of Jesus I’ve eternal redemption. I am thankful for the truth, setting me free from sin I am ever appreciative for the power I’ve within.… (more…)

I Choose Jesus ~

The world may choose, to believe what it may but I choose Jesus . . . the Truth, Life and Way. The world may pick, one god over another but I choose Jesus . . . over any other. The world may offer, instant gratification but I choose Jesus . . . for eternal satisfaction. The world may decide, in… (more…)

As For Me and My House ~

As for me and my house . . . I’m inviting Jesus to come to live and my heart and my soul to Him I am going to give. But, first I must make it ready, clean up all the mess so I’m starting with the sins I know that I need to confess. Then I’ll search for the idols,… (more…)

By Grace Alone ~

By grace alone, not of me . . . in Christ through faith is why I’m free. By grace alone, not of my hand so I humbly receive redemption’s plan. By grace alone, not of my deed the Word is sufficient for want and need. By grace alone, not of my thought God and favor cannot be bought. By grace… (more…)

Waiting on The Lord ~

Are you waiting on the Lord, are you patiently hanging on are you staying in there strong or is your faith almost gone? Are you at your wit’s end, are you in over your ears are you questioning yourself is your faith about your fears? Are you seeing a sea of red, are you sinking in your doubt are you… (more…)

A Living Hope ~

I’ve got me a living hope, it’s as real as can be a sure and certain hope that has taken hold of me. I’ve got me a lively hope, once Jesus, I received a sure and certain hope His resurrection, I believe. I’ve got me a future hope, my death is not the end a sure and certain hope into… (more…)

Teach the Little Children ~

Teach the little children, while they are still young to give thanks to the Lord in every song that is sung. Teach them to pray, for the Holy Spirit’s filling tell them that it is more than just a onetime feeling. Teach them to read and study, how God would have them go let them know in the Word the… (more…)

The World’s Greatest Love Letter ~

For God so loves the world, that He gave to all His only Son who came to mend and heal the heart and soul of everyone. It doesn’t matter your race, or the color of your skin Jesus just wants to forgive you if you’d confess to Him your sin. You may be rich and happy, you may be poor… (more…)

The Gift ~

The artist is nothing without the Gift, no portrait would ever be so grand all the colors would run together without the touch, of the Master’s hand. The musician is nothing without the Gift, no melody would ever be sung or played the notes would lie alone on the sheet without the Creator’s, support and aid. The poet is nothing… (more…)

He Listens to Me ~

I love the Lord, He listens to me one day in heaven I know we will be. For He’s given me, the gift of grace a sure guarantee I will see His face. When I cry out, I know He hears only He knows  how to dry my tears. His mercy I claim, my heart is afire as long as… (more…)

Our Burden Bearer ~

  I got me many worries, an awful lot of cares but, on my soul . . . they don’t wear and tear. When fears come my way, I simply toss them aside for, in my mind . . . I don’t allow them to reside. Trials may consume me, fiery ones leap and bound but, in my spirit . .… (more…)

Nothing Can Shake Me ~

Nothing can shake me, no gale will blow me away no storm can overtake me for, I trust Jesus with each day. No cloud is overly menacing, no tempest can take me down no burst of wind will take from me the faith in Jesus, I have found. No downpour will blind me, no rainstorm is to big of a deluge… (more…)

To Be Like Jesus ~

To be more like Jesus, we must walk with Him each day we must take up our personal cross and follow Him on the narrow way. It’s an individual thing to decide, no one can tell you what to do after the Sunday service is over it will be only Jesus ~ and you. As we learn to walk with… (more…)

I am But A Sparrow ~

I am but a sparrow, warm and safe in my nest my soul is at peace in my hope, I’m at rest. I trust in the Lord, all  my needs He provides when I leave my roost He’s the one who guides. I don’t worry what I’ll eat, or to the next place I’ll fly I put all my faith… (more…)

Press On ~

Forget what is behind you, no need to look back for Jesus has forgiven He never keeps track. Don’t think about the past, or what you’ve done wrong let go of your weaknesses press on, and be strong. Don’ let your past losses, cause you anguish or pain count them all as victories for your Savior’s gain. Press on, and… (more…)

My Kind of Hope ~

My hope is built on, things I cannot see . . . not on the troubles today, surrounding me. On them I don’t focus, instead I look forward to the day God’s glory . . . comes shinning thru. Today’s sufferings, don’t compare to the day when everyone’s tears . . . will all be wiped away. I’m eagerly awaiting, for… (more…)

Feet Like a Deer ~

The Lord is my strength, without Him, I am weak He is my sturdy Rock that I must daily seek. The Lord is my fortress, in Him, I find my power He is my safe refuge my high and lofty tower. The Lord is my protector, in Him, I cover and hide His are the wing’s shadow where my soul… (more…)

I Will Not Be Shaken

I will not be shaken, nothing can rattle me not even my own death will take me, Lord from Thee. I will not tremble, I have nothing to fear for, when I’m all alone God is always near. I will not waiver, on my Rock, I will stand whenever troubles come His grace is ever at hand. I will not… (more…)

I Can Climb This Mountain ~

I know I can do this, I am sure that I can . . . I can climb up this mountain I know that I can. I can scale over this burden, I can get up over this wall I can climb up this mountain without fearing that I’ll fall. I can ascend over this problem, I can move beyond… (more…)

A New Day ~

Restore my soul Lord, each and every day establish my paths along the way. Rebuild my life Lord, every morning anew determine my course so as I may follow you. Repair my heart Lord, at dawns early light prove its intent is true pleasing in Your sight. Renew my mind Lord, upon the rise of the sun strengthen my awareness… (more…)

Thankful For All Things ~

It’s easy to be thankful, when things are going well when we are trouble-free no fears on which to dwell. But, when burdens become, crushing and all-consuming it’s hard to show gratitude when stress is ever-looming. It’s difficult to say thank you, in the middle of our strife it’s not easy to be grateful for the trials in this life.… (more…)

Revive Me O’ Lord ~

Revive me O’ Lord, fill my heart with a fiery passion give me a hunger and a thirst to put Your love into action. Revive me O’ Lord, bring about a true restoration open my eyes to the truth let Your love be my inspiration. Revive me O’ Lord, I need a spiritual awakening bring Your Spirit into my life… (more…)