Tag Archives: Faith

His Precious Sparrows ~

As His precious sparrows, we’re helpless little things barely are we able to spread our tiny wings. The wind and the rain, so often slows us down when stuck in a storm it feels as if we’ll drown. In our flight, we try to find, a place to call a safe harbor where we can find comfort from the pains… (more…)

All Things Will Work Out ~

All things for my good, will work out . . . a promise I will claim in it, I will not doubt. I may not understand, how this could ever be with so many trials . . . right now surrounding me. But, as God is busy doing, Jesus told me not to worry to stand steadfast and firm not… (more…)

Two Roads, One Path ~

There are two roads, two different destinies one has a remedy the other has penalties. One leads to heaven, the other one to hell both determine where in eternity we will dwell. One takes endurance, strength and firmness one takes indifference greed and worldliness. Each one of us, has a decision to make we must choose the road we are… (more…)

Mustard Seed Faith ~

Mustard seed faith, is all you need . . . but, for it to grow it you must feed. Milk is good, if you’re a babe but, soon your faith will start to fade. For it to rise, it needs the meat every day with Jesus you need to meet. If it’s to branch out, it needs nourishment for growing… (more…)

Faith Is ~

Faith is a mixture, of sunshine and rain of highs and lows happiness and pain. Faith is a blending, of gladness and grief of ups and downs struggles and relief. Faith is a fusion, of blessings and hardships of twists and turns droughts and harvests. Faith is a combination, of hope and despair of rises and falls injury and repair.… (more…)

Crucified For Me ~

Crucified with Christ, not my life now ~ but His earthy desires put aside not my life now ~ but His. Crucified with Christ, this new man to put on no need for human wealth old man ~ all but gone. Crucified with Christ, an exercise of His grace an end to self-reliance His love has won the race. Crucified… (more…)

He Gives Me His Ears ~

He gives me His ear, when I cry out in pain He listens to my voice hears the cracking strain. He understands my needs, before I make my request He already has for me . . . what He knows is best. His ears are always open, no matter when I pray I can call out to Him every minute… (more…)

I Trust ~

I trust in God, His mercy for me my hope is in . . . what I can’t see. My faith is set, on things above my heart rests on eternal love. I rely on God, for what is good my soul rejoices just as it should. My future’s solid, on the Rock I stand by faith I hold onto His… (more…)

Shower Me With Mercy ~

Shower me with mercy, rain on me Your grace let Your love pour out till Your heart I embrace. Lead me to still waters, where hope runs deep let Your compassion into my soul slowly seep. Guide me in the valley, when shadows are there direct my heart to know my burdens You’ll bear. Let me lean on Your rod, the staff of … (more…)

Do Not Go Astray ~

Do not lose heart, do not go astray from the Good Shepherd be not lead away. Do not give up, do not give in do not let temptation ever, ever win. Do not wander, do not roam around do not lose the faith that you have found. Do not turn, do not separate do not get distracted from the narrow… (more…)

Glory Hallelujah ~

He is risen, glory hallelujah He has risen glorious alleluia. He is alive, blissful elation He is alive joyful celebration. He is risen, peaceful expectation He has risen eternal transformation. He is here, cheerful jubilation He is here hopeful affirmation. Jesus is risen, just like He had said Jesus is alive no longer is He dead! ~~~~~~~ Luke 24:6 “He… (more…)

Wounded ~

Disrespected and ridiculed, poked and made fun of for me Jesus was affronted in the name of eternal love. Bruised for my rebellion, cursed and  spit upon for my own wickedness Jesus was beaten on. Wounded for my sins, whipped and lashed for my transgressions Jesus was slashed. Pierced and stabbed, on the cross He hung because of me insults… (more…)

Life Saving Transfusion ~

Precious is the blood of Jesus, now it runs in my own veins and courses through my body so in my heart He may reign. It pumps me full of grace, as if flows into my soul for by His stripes I am healed in His death I’m made whole. The crown of thorns trickles, with mercies I don’t deserve a… (more…)

Thank You Father ~

Father, I thank You for Jesus, the Anchor of my soul my Rock unto which I cling my Comforter who consoles. I thank You for His blood, the forgiveness of my sin I thank You for His grace that now flows deep within. I thank You for His love, the power I received the strength He has given me since the… (more…)

Exposed ~

In God’s light, all things become clear for it exposes the darkness the things we should all fear. It divulges the lies, the secrets we hold onto in the shadows it illuminates the evil things we are into. In God’s light, sin cannot be concealed for our every hidden thought will be bared and revealed. It separates the bad, from… (more…)

Gear Up ~

Now more than ever, we need to prepare . . . the shield of our faith we must always wear. We must always keep on, the helmet of salvation hold onto to the sword without any hesitation. We need to be buckled, with the truth around us so that in God . . . we’ll always put our trust. We… (more…)

Hope Everlasting ~

Hope brings . . . my heart gladness, rest unto my strife Hope gives me courage brings strength to my life. Hope lifts up my soul, fills me full of grace Hope teaches me to wait to seek His Holy face. Hope is my shield, in these days of evil Hope is my escape from the world’s upheaval. Hope is my… (more…)

I’m Heaven Bound ~

Got me a new birth certificate, on the day, I was born again I was so excited to have Jesus come into my life and reign. I received a brand new heart, on the day, I opened the door inviting Jesus to come right in not knowing what was in store. He took a close look around, saw what I could… (more…)

Free At Last ~

He sets the captive free, from evil spirits within releases the binds of guilt the shame of our sin. He loosens the chains, on wickedness and hate unshackles our burdens eases the heavy weight. He heals the backslidden, His love is our freedom the yoke of oppression no longer the inner demon. He scours out darkness, in His light, there… (more…)

I am Convinced ~

I am convinced I belong to God, that nothing can separate us I am sure and I am positive and so in Him I will always trust. There’s nothing that man can say, to break God’s and my alliance I am sure and I am positive for on Him I put my full reliance. Storms may toss and blow my… (more…)

Fully Persuaded ~

There is nothing, that stands in my way there is no one person that’ll cause me to sway. For I’ve been won over, I am certain and I’m sure that for my sinful condition there’s only one cure. Jesus is the remedy, for all of my afflictions nothing can move me from my hearts conviction. Not the trials in this… (more…)

God’s Love in Motion ~

God’s love in motion, goes round and round reaches out to the lost and saves the found. It is perpetual, it can never be stopped God’s love in motion will never be topped. It is everlasting, continues into eternity God’s love in motion brings infinite serenity. It is unconditional, there are no qualifications God’s love in motion arrives at its… (more…)

Where There is Love ~

Where there is light, there is love where there is hope there is love where there is truth there is love where there is faith there is love where there is trust there is love . . . Where there is joy there is love where there is happiness there is love where there is goodness there is love where… (more…)

Only on The Cross ~

Only on the cross, will you find forgiveness only on the cross will love strengthen your weakness. Only on the cross, will you find happiness only on the cross will love ease your loneliness. Only on the cross, will you find inner peace only on the cross will love cause faith to be released. Only on the cross, will you… (more…)

Jesus Love’s You ~

Jesus loves you, like no other can He has for you an eternal plan. No one else, can come close to the loving-kindness He has for you. His love is faithful, it remains true forever more He loves you. Love unfailing, love everlasting beyond your dreams His love is surpassing. There is no greater, love known to man Jesus loves… (more…)

Heart Matter

There isn’t a heart too cold, that God can’t melt there isn’t one too stony where He can’t be felt. There isn’t a heart too cynical, that God can’t shake there isn’t one too hardened that He can’t break. There isn’t a heart too rigid, that God can’t move there isn’t a heart too rough that He can’t smooth. There… (more…)

Love Came To Conquer ~

Love came to conquer, Love came to deploy mercy and grace so sin it could destroy. Love came to stop, the adulterer and murderer the thug and the thief the blasphemous perjurer. Love came to overcome, the anxious and worried the fearful and the afraid the troubled and wearied. Love came to defeat, the back bitter and gossiper the arrogant… (more…)

Roses Aren’t Always Red ~

Roses aren’t always red, violets can be white or blue but what never changes ~ Lord is the love coming from You. I know I’m not perfect, but You love me any way Your love is like the sunshine that brightens up my day. You love me like no other, what more could I need for Your love comes with… (more…)

The Greatest Love

So great is God’s love, the whole world He embraces so He gave the greatest gift to every nation, to all the races. God’s one and only Son, came with the greatest invitation those who puts their faith in Him would be saved from damnation. With the greatest certainty, He quarantined no eternal loss promised everyone’s salvation came from the… (more…)

Know Greater Love ~

They say love makes, this world go around but now a days . . . it’s harder to be found. We want to find love, lasting and real love that goes deeper than just how we feel. We search for it, in all sorts of places we look to find it on stranger’s faces. Seldom do we see, the love… (more…)

Full of Mercy and Grace ~

Full of mercy and grace, overflowing with love rich in long-suffering is our Father, above. Abundant is His devotion, faithful in every way compassionate for the lost patient to all who stray. Gracious beyond measure, trustworthy to the very end to all who hunger and thirst life-giving waters He sends. Steadfast is His kindness, unselfish towards one and all filled… (more…)

Think About Such Things ~

Whatever that is true, that which shines of His light whatever that will fill you . . . with God’s power and His might. Think about such things, before you start your day it will help keep you from following the world’s way. Whatever that is honest, that which is sincere whatever that will help you to overcome your fear. Think… (more…)

We All Face Trials ~

We all face trials, of many different kinds some attack our bodies others beset our minds. Some assault our faith, causing us to doubt some assail our trust tossing us all about. We all have troubles, just different situations we all have suffered . . . from diverse temptations. Some know the results, of falling for Satan’s lies others feel the… (more…)

The Children of God ~

The children of God, come from everywhere you can recognize them . . . by what they wear. For, they are clothed, in God righteousness in Jesus they put on faith and truthfulness. The children of God, have much in common their trust in the Lord is sober and solemn. For, they are forgiven, justified for every sin they know Jesus’… (more…)

I Heard From God Today ~

I heard from God today, He told me to keep believing He told me to hold fast His peace I’d be receiving. I heard from God today, He told me to take all to Him He told me to always trust to wait for the calm to set in. I heard from God today, He told me I shouldn’t doubt… (more…)