Tag Archives: Eternal Life

Today’s Poem: God’s Glory Declared

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Glory Declared~ By Deborah Ann The heavens declare God’s glory,the stars twinkle of His gracethe sun shines of His mercythe moon glows upon His face. They universe is His handiwork,all was formed by His finger tipseverything came into concertby the words from His own lips. The planets are in constant motion,as the earth… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Drawing A Line

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Drawing A Line ~ By Deborah Ann There is a line,we mustn’t crossnor is it one overwhich we can gloss. For It separates,the dark from the lightand we must choosewhich battle to fight. There is a line,we mustn’t straddlenor is it on onewe should travel. For it divides,where our treasures laybe it up in heavenor… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Greet Me At The Gate

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Greet Me At The Gate ~ By Deborah Ann Give me peace Lord,fill me with serenityso that I may facetoday’s uncertainty. Help me to keep,focused in on Youso my eternal aimis always in view. Keep my feet Lord,from the truth slippingkeep my hands Lordon my Bible gripping. Give me wisdom,for what’s lying aheadhelp me to… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Height Of God’s Love

to GOD be the GLORY God May 31, 2021 ~ The Height Of God’s Love ~ By Deborah Ann Have you considered,God’s love and it’s heighthave you been drawn . . .to Jesus the true Light? Do you know His love,and its immensitydo you know Jesus diedfor you unselfishly? Do you comprehend,God’s love unbiaseddo you realize . . .it is love… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Stand Fast

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Stand Fast ~ By Deborah Ann Stand fast,stay firmbe strongdon’t squirm. Hold on,cling tightbe readyfor a fight. Be watchful,stay soberbe alertnot a dozer. Remain fixed,stand sounduntil the endhold ground. Stand firm,hold onbe strongin God’s Son! ~~~~~~~~ 1 Corinthians 16:13 Watch ye, stand fastin the faith, quit youlike men, be strong. King James VersionPublic Domain… (more…)

Today’s Poem: I long To Dwell

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Long To Dwell ~ By Deborah Ann I long to dwell,in eternal peace . . .where fear and deathwill forever cease. Where things are seen,through tear free eyeswhere joyous shoutsare the only cries. I long to dwell,on the other sidewhere with Godbeliever’s reside. Where sorrow stops,as mourning endsto spend eternitywith my forever Friend. I… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Hat Juggling

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Hat Juggling ~ By Deborah Ann We all wear various hats,of miscellaneous kinds . . .we all have certain rolestossing around in our minds. But, when for the Lord,we perform our tasksHe’ll help us balance themwhen for His help we ask. We all wear assorted hats,of differing forms . . .we all have vast… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: If Today You Would Hear

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If Today You Would Hear ~ By Deborah Ann Today if you would hear,if your ears you’d openyou will hear the truthbe told and spoken. For God will speak,right to your heartclosing the chasmkeeping you apart. Today if you would listen,you’d will be able to hearJesus calling youto come close and near. For He wants… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Anchor Of Our Soul

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Anchor Of Our Soul ~ By Deborah Ann An Anchor to the soul,the hope of our certaintyJesus became the wayto everlasting eternity. Sure and steadfast,in the truth groundedour salvation in Himis securely founded. The veil has been lifted,through Christ we enter inin His righteousnessno longer bound to sin. To His Father in heaven,He gave us… (more…)

Today’s Poem: This Is My Truth

to GOD be the GLORY ~ This Is My Truth ~ By Deborah Ann This is what it’s about,this is faith, not doubtthis is believing . . .without really seeing. This is the one thing,that hope can bringknowing that eternityisn’t some absurdity. This is what I believe,this is what I receiveGod’s the only true Oneand Jesus is His Son. This is… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Repentant Tears

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Repentant Tears ~ By Deborah Ann Repentant tears,begin to fall . . .as soon as onehears the call. From the Spirit,of the Holy Onewho gave His lifefor everyone. Down somewhere,in the heart deepa soul can’t helpbut to sob and weep. For once it encounters,Jesus’ love and gracetears flow thankfullydown it’s grateful face. Repentant tears,never… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Good Ground

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Good Ground ~ By Deborah Ann A seed once fell,on the good groundand oh how my life . . .it has turned around. It slowly sprang up,began to bear  fruitfor it in Jesus . . .grew up and took root. A seed was cultivated,out of a conversationabout how Jesus . . .was the way… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Have Pity On Us Father

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Have Pity On Us Father ~ By Deborah Ann Have pity on us Father,for the error of our waysrain down on us Your mercyand we’ll shower You with our praise. Forgive us of our wanderings,for going from You astraygive us Your compassionand our gratefulness to you we’ll display. Have pity on us Father,for we have… (more…)

Today’s Poem: There Is No Profit

to GOD be the GLORY ~ There Is No Profit ~ By Deborah Ann There is no profit,to be made . . .all earthly wealthwill rust and fade. There is no gain,to be gotten . . .all worldly thingswill become rotten. There is no future,to be obtained . . .all earthy wealthcan’t be retained. There is no hope,to be secured .… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Is Relentless

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Is Relentless ~ By Deborah Ann God is relentless,in His steady seekingto find the souls . . .who salvation are needing. For it’s His desire,not one should perishevery life to Him . . .is one to cherish. God is on a quest,looking all aboutto find more hearts . .He can rid of doubt. For… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Some Believers

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Some Believers ~ By Deborah Ann Some believers,refuse in grace to growabout their life of sinthey don’t want to know. They don’t want to be,to God responsiblethey don’t want to hearthey’ll be accountable. Some believers,refuse in faith to maturethey don’t want to knowwhat makes them impure. They don’t want to follow,the  straight-narrow wayinstead on… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Jesus Is Enough

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Jesus Is Enough ~ By Deborah Ann Jesus is enough,there’s nothing you can doJesus is the only Onewho can save you. Jesus is enough,He is above everythingJesus is the one absoluteHe is the sum of all things. Jesus is enough,no need to add or take awayJesus is the only Oneleading to the Life, Truth and… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Our All in All

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Our All in All ~ By Deborah Ann In Christ,a new creationthrough Himour salvation. In Jesus,a new beginningthrough Himcomes forgiving. In Christ,our peacethrough Himsin’s release. In God’s Son,our redemptionthrough Himour election. In Christ,our All whose in Allbecause of Jesus . . .all saved from the fall! ~~~~~~~~~~ Colossians 3:11 Where there is neither Greek nor… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Mind Focused In On Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Mind Focused In On Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann A mind focused,in on Jesus . . .is a heart restedon forgiveness. For it acknowledges,it’s once fallen statehow Jesus saved itfrom damnation’s fate. A life centered,on the crossis a soul awareit was once dross. For it recognizes,without the resurrectionthere would be no hopefor eternal salvation.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Only Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Only Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann There’s no other name like Jesus,no other One we can call onno other person that can help usto be to His Father drawn. There’s no other name in heaven,no other name given unto manno other person who has for usthe way to salvation’s plan. There’s no other name… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Working Your Way To Heaven

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Working Your Way to Heaven ~ By Deborah Ann Some people they think,because they are goodto heaven they’ll get . . .as all nice people should. They say their deeds,are their sure way inhow their good actswill atone their sin. Some people they feel,it’s up to them to obtaintheir way into heavenon a performance campaign.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Do You Hear Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Do You Hear Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann Do you hear it,do you hear the rappingon the door to your heartdo you hear Jesus tapping? Do you hear Him,asking you to invite Him indo you hear Him sayingI will forgive you of your sin? Do you hear His plea,to open up your souldo you hear… (more…)

Today’s Poem: When I Leave This World

to GOD be the GLORY ~ When I Leave This World ~ By Deborah Ann When I leave this world,joy I am going out withfor to me heaven isn’ta illusion or a myth. It’s as real as the sky,the earth and the seaI believe there’s a roomwaiting just for me. When I leave this world,perfect peace I’ll findfor to me heaven… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Some People Think

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Some People Think ~ By Deborah Ann Some people look down,their angelic noses . . .when to others they givetheir saintly diagnosis. They eagerly point out,things once done in sinwhile they boast abouttheir own restraint within. Some people think,they have done no wrongbut will happily talk aboutyour mistakes all day long. They brag all about,the… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Oh, Prodigal

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Oh, Prodigal ~ By Deborah Ann Oh, prodigalwhat made you roamhow did you wanderso far from home? What led you away,from the Truth and Lifewhat took you on the pathto everlasting strife? Oh, prodigal,what made you straywho enticed you offthe straight narrow way. What convinced you,from God you could hidewhat seduced you ontothe road… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Restless

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Restless ~ By Deborah Ann Restless hearts,are everywhereburdened downby all their care. Worry lines spread,across their faceetched with the needto find God’s grace. Restless souls,are all aroundfear and dreadkeeps them bound. Furrowed brows,show their vexationoh, how they needto find salvation. Restless people,restless minds . . .oh, how they needJesus to find! ~~~~~ Isaiah 57:20-21… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: I’m So Glad I Found Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I’m So Glad I Found Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann Through life’s many trials,and all its tribulationsI’m so glad I found . . .the Life of salvation. For my life was a battle,I could never winwithout Jesus telling mego no more and sin. Through life’s journey,and all its ups and downsI’m so glad I found… (more…)

Today’s Poem: What Will We Do

to GOD be the GLORY ~ What Will We Do ~ By Deborah Ann Another year is upon us,what with it will we do . . .how are we going to letthe love of Jesus through? How are we going to be,the salt and the lighthow are we going to winthis good and faithful fight? How will we show the Way,to… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Just The Cross

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Just The Cross ~ By Deborah Ann Give me just the cross,and I’ll have all I needfor at the foot of it . . .from my sins I was freed. Nothing else matters,just my dying Saviorfor no other loveis there greater. Give me just Jesus,the blood of Calvarylet me keep focusedon His eternal victory. When… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: From The Get Go

to GOD be the GLORY ~ From The Get-Go ~ By Deborah Ann From the beginning,God loved His creationit brought to His heartpure joy and elation. But, then one evil day,satan into it entered inintroducing to mantemptation and sin. From the get-go,man always had a choiceto walk with Godor listen to satan’s voice. But man chose to follow,the ways of the… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Take The Plunge

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Take the Plunge ~ By Deborah Ann Go ahead,dive right inbe washedfrom your sin Take the plunge,into the watersthat are Livingwithout borders. Go ahead,jump into the Wellsave yourselfform the pit of hell. Take the leap,into the Springlife everlastingto you it’ll bring. Go ahead,drink thereof . . .the Living Watersof God’s love! ~~~~~ John 4:10-11 Jesus… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Grace Is A Mender ~

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Grace Is A Mender ~ By Deborah Ann Grace is a mender,of flaws running deepit is a collectorof the tears we weep. Grace is a healer,of vessel’s brokenit is a free giftGod set into motion. Grace is a liberator,of evil and oppressionit is a deliverof earthly transgression. Grace is a giver,of eternal redemptionit is a… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Heal Our Land Lord

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Heal Our Land Lord ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, this country . . .is so in need of healingbefore the day every kneewill be to You kneeling. For the time will come,when every one will confesshow they did or didn’t . . .contribute to the mess. Lord, we need to turn back,our trust over to… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Mercy and Truth Merges

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Mercy and Truth Merges ~ By Deborah Ann Mercy and truth have merged,redemption found on the crossrighteousness and peace kissedGod’s justice cleanses the dross. Truth was raised from the earth,from death came resurrectioneternal life rose from the gravebringing to God reconciliation. Love looked down from above,forgiveness imparted to each soulhope shall make way for His… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: No One But Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ No One But Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann No one but Jesus,can save you . . .no one besidescan you go to. No one else,can deliver you . . .no one otherlove is this true. No one but Jesus,can offer liberty . . .no one otherwisecan end your misery. No one else,just Jesus alone .… (more…)