Tag Archives: Doubt and Fear

#throwbackpoem: Sustaining Faith

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Sustaining Faith ~ By Deborah Ann My faith has sustained me,through life’s’ ups and downsit has been with me . . .through laughter and frowns. My faith has carried me,through tragedy and griefit has provided me . . .with strength and relief. My faith has helped me,though periods of droughtit has saved me .… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Thread of Hope

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Thread of Hope ~ By Deborah Ann A thread of hope,is all you needfor doubt and fearnot to breed. For all it takes,is one little strandfor God’s powerto be in your hand. A thread of hope,is all you needfor trust and faithto be freed. For all it asks,is for you to believeGod’s mighty strengthyou… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: I Know God Will

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Know God Will ~ By Deborah Ann I know God can,I believe He willso I will wait . . .and I’ll be still. I know He’s able,so I will trustfor Him to dowhat He must. It won’t do me,one bit of goodto fear or doubtas I once would. For I have learned,to sit and… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Jesus My Calm

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Jesus, My Calm ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, thank You for being,my calm before the stormfor bringing me peace . . .before it starts to form. For, I never know,when one I’ll go throughand when I do . . .I want it to be with You. Lord, thank You for going,into the storm with methere’s… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Flighty Sparrow

to GOD be the GLORY ~Flighty Sparrow ~ By Deborah Ann Flighty sparrow,flitting all aboutwhy do you flyon wings of doubt? Don’t you know,God loves youwith a love . . .steadfast and true? Flighty sparrow,head in the cloudswhy do you followungodly crowds? Don’t you believe,God values youhow much He caresabout all you do? Flighty sparrows,flitting there and hereneed God to… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Thrown To and Fro

to GOD be the GLORY ~Thrown To and Fro ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, what is this feeling,churning inside of meit feels as if inside . . .I’m in a swirling sea. I know You’re my Anchor,but, I’m losing my gripoh, please dear Lord . . .let me not overboard slip. Lord, why is my trust,ebbing in and out . .… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Are You Drifting ~

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Are You Drifting ~ By Deborah Ann Are you drifting,in a sea of uncertaintyhave you given up . . .on your eternal destiny? Are you windblown,shaped by circumstancedrifting in the whirlwindof luck and happenstance? Are you drifting,into a sea of self-destructionare you being swept awayby sin and corruption? Are you in a fog,in the haze of dismayhave… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: We All Face Trails

to GOD be the GLORY ~ We All Face Trials ~ By Deborah Ann We all face trials,of many different kindssome attack our bodiesothers beset our minds. Some assault our faith,causing us to doubtsome assail our trusttossing us all about. We all have troubles,just different situationswe all have suffered . . .from diverse temptations. Some know the results,of falling for Satan’s liesother’s… (more…)

God Knows ~

God knows my everything, all there is about me . . . there’s nothing I can hide all of me, He can see. He knows my ways, my ups and downs He knows my smiles my glares and frowns. He knows my heart, my every break He knows my soul how for Him, I ache. He knows my goings, my… (more…)

He Gives Me His Ears ~

He gives me His ear, when I cry out in pain He listens to my voice hears the cracking strain. He understands my needs, before I make my request He already has for me . . . what He knows is best. His ears are always open, no matter when I pray I can call out to Him every minute… (more…)

Be Not Afraid ~

When in the wilderness, be brave and be daring no matter the burden or load you’re carrying. For, God is with you, wherever you go He promises always the right way to show. He will be the cloud, to follow in the day His very presence will lead you the way. He will be your pillar, in the dead of… (more…)

We All Face Trials ~

We all face trials, of many different kinds some attack our bodies others beset our minds. Some assault our faith, causing us to doubt some assail our trust tossing us all about. We all have troubles, just different situations we all have suffered . . . from diverse temptations. Some know the results, of falling for Satan’s lies others feel the… (more…)

Do Not Worry ~

Do not worry, it’s easy for us to say but for the most part . . . it’s not the chosen way. For, we worry over things, we cannot control over the ones we can . . . worry, still takes its toll. Do not worry, if we do, we don’t trust that God is truly able . . . to… (more…)

They Who Wait ~

Those who wait on the Lord, shall ride out the storm ahead they shall climb over any doubt for they are Spirit lead. Those who wait on the Lord, shall fly against the strongest gust they shall soar above their sorrow because in God they trust. Those who wait on the Lord, shall run a good and faithful race they… (more…)