Tag Archives: Comfort

#throwbackpoem: None But The Hungry

to GOD be the GLORY ~ None But The Hungry ~ By Deborah Ann None but the hungry soul,can be satisfiednone but the thirsty oneswill have peace inside. None but the longing heart,can be fulfillednone but the willful oneswill have faith instilled. None but the seeking mind,can be transformednone but the desiring oneswill to God be reformed. None but the selfless… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God’s Word Garden

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Word Garden ~ By Deborah Ann Every day is a smorgasbord,a buffet of renewed pardona fresh supply of God’s gracefound in His Word garden. My appetites are gratified,from each verse that I pickthey bring me such comfortwhether feeling well or sick. I hunger after what is holy,to fill me up for the dayand in… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: In The Gym Of Trust

to GOD be the GLORY ~ In The Gym Of Trust ~ By Deborah Ann Sometimes my faith,God has to exerciseto see how I’ll handleproblems as they arise. So He sends me to the gym,of trusting Him, to workoutwhere He has me confrontall my fears and doubt. He knows I need the grit,of the power of His mightso He drills it… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: In The Gym Of Trust

to GOD be the GLORY ~ In The Gym Of Trust ~ By Deborah Ann Sometimes my faith,God has to exerciseto see how I’ll handleproblems as they arise. So He sends me to the gym,of trusting Him, to workoutwhere He has me confrontall my fears and doubt. He knows I need the grit,of the power of His mightso He drills it… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: I Am Just A Vapor

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Am Just A Vapor ~ By Deborah Ann I am just a vapor,a puff of steam in the airso, I give to the Lordall on earth I have to bear. I may be here today,but tomorrow I might not beso, I lay up my treasuresin a place I cannot see. I know not His… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Bible Is Like A Mirror

to GOD be the GLORY November 30, 2019 ~ The Bible Is Like A Mirror ~ By Deborah Ann The Bible is like a mirror,it reflects yourself so trueit shows all the hidden sinyet living inside of you. But if you never read it,how will you ever gleanthe areas in your lifeGod still needs to make clean. The Bible is like… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Now That I am Alive

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Now That I am Alive ~ By Deborah Ann Now that I am alive,I no longer conform . . .to the ways of the worldnor to it’s social norms. For with Christ living in me,I now have a new lifereleasing me from the issuesonce causing me strife. Now that I am dead,to sin and transgressingI… (more…)

Today’s Poem: If Only We Would

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If Only We Would ~ By Deborah Ann If we the people ofthe good old USAwould only be humblebefore God and pray . . . Then He would forgive us,of our rebellion and sinand bless once morethese States we live in. If all we the people,were to seek His faceconfessing and repentingof our sinful disgrace.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Say No To Negative Thoughts

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Say No To Negative Thoughts ~ By Deborah Ann Negative thoughts,have no real placein hearts and mindsflowing with grace. For they will plug up,and stop the flowmaking being soberharder for you to know. Negative thoughts,play with the minduntil a sound oneyou no longer find. For they’ll pull you down,take complete controland suck all the hoperight out… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Child Of The Day

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Child Of The Day ~ By Deborah Ann Child of the day,children of the Lightput our trust in Godwith all of our might. Warriors on this earth,fighting off evilnesspledge never to returnto our former wretchedness Holy and righteous are we,holding on to the Lifeeven though it causes usworldly grief and strife. Awake, sober and alert,to the… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: A Bold Attitude

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Bold Attitude ~ By Deborah Ann Be of good courage,have a bold attitudeask God to give youstrength and fortitude. For He wants to make,your faith in Him strongso you won’t be defeatedwhen problems come along. Be of good courage,let your mind be at restbe confident in knowingGod’s has for you His best. For He wants… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God’s Good Pleasure

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Good Pleasure ~ By Deborah Ann Father, when I consider,the good pleasure of Your willit causes me to pause . . .to be quiet and be still. For out of Your goodness,You sent Your beloved sonto offer redemptionto each and everyone. Jesus, when I consider,the richness of Your graceit causes me to reflectso Your life… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Lord, May I Too

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Lord, May I Too ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, give me a faith,just the same as Yours . . .so I may too cross the seaand meet You where You are. Give me an attitude,absent of any doubtso I may too trust Youfrom my boat to come out. Lord, give me a faith,steadfast and trueso… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Don’t Be Misled

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Don’t Be Misled ~ By Deborah Ann Don’t be misled,don’t be duped . . .with bad companydon’t be grouped. For they’ll corrupt,your biblical thinkingand soon to sin . . .you too will be winking. Don’t be tricked,don’t be fooledby bad friendsdon’t be ruled. For they’ll pervert,your Christian mindand soon you will tooby satan be blind.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God’s Amazing Light

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Amazing Light ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, give me a warm heart,a spirit that is bright . . .let me see everythingthrough Your amazing light. Let me see morning’s dawn,even when it’s bleaklet me see Your splendorwhenever You I seek. Let me be grateful,for each new day givenlet me be thankfuleven when storm driven.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Humble Me Lord

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Humble Me Lord ~ By Deborah Ann Humble me Lord,into submissionhelp me to makea heartfelt transition. Teach me all about,true obedienceso I may give to Youmy full allegiance. Humble me Lord,no matter the painbreak me free fromsin’s cursing chain. Show me how to live,a life lowly and meekgive me the strengthto turn the other cheek.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: It’s Easy To Say

to GOD be the GLORY ~ It’s Easy To Say ~ By Deborah Ann It’s easy for people to say,give Jesus your every careit’s easy for them to relayI’ll say for you a daily prayer. But, when they leave,they sometimes forgetto pass on to Godwhat has you so upset. It’s easy for people to say,I will pray for you . .… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Hungry, Thirsty Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Hungry, Thirsty Heart ~ By Deborah Ann The hungry heart,needs to be filledwith God’s Wordso to be skilled. Skilled in faith,trained in trustso to the world waysit will not adjust. The thirsty heart,needs to findGod’s peacefulnessin heart and mind. Calm and tranquility,amidst the mayhemso their souls too . . .God will not condemn. The… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Heavenly Conversation

to GOD be the GLORY July 22, 2018 ~ A Heavenly Conversation ~ By Deborah Ann Today I decided,to have a conversationwith God in heavenabout His expectations. So I inquired of Him,what He wanted from meHe responded simply withbelieve in what you can’t see. As we continued to converse,I told Him about my fearsHe said keep to trusting Himfor in heaven… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Living On The Vine

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Living On The Vine ~ By Deborah Ann Living on the Vine,takes obedienceit takes a faithfull of resilience. It takes meekness,zeal and devotionit takes a lifeunder submission. Living on the Vine,takes enduringit takes a trustsecurely assuring. It takes training,divine directionit takes a heartopen to instruction. A life on the Vine,takes faithful abidingif good fruit .… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Feeble Feet

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Feeble Feet ~ By Deborah Ann Some feet are feeble,they slip and they slideinto the darkness . . .they easily glide. But, God will not let,His saint’s feet fall awayif from His Word . . .they opt never to stray. Some feet are frail,they falter and triponto the world . . .their toes keep… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Playing Hide and Seek

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Playing Hide-and-Seek ~ By Deborah Ann Some people with God,play hide-and-seek . . .they pray to Him onlywhen their feeling weak. But, oh when their strong,without Him they reckonthey can do anythingwithout first seeking Him. Some people with God,like to play gamesthey only seek Himfor material gains. But, oh when their down,and out of… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Very Best Of Me

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Very Best Of Me ~ By Deborah Ann Oh, God I want to give You,the very best of meso go ahead and searchand tell me what You see. If there be anything,You want to altermy whole life to YouI willingly offer. Oh, God I want You to be,in my life clearly greaterso go ahead… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Height Of God’s Love

to GOD be the GLORY God May 31, 2021 ~ The Height Of God’s Love ~ By Deborah Ann Have you considered,God’s love and it’s heighthave you been drawn . . .to Jesus the true Light? Do you know His love,and its immensitydo you know Jesus diedfor you unselfishly? Do you comprehend,God’s love unbiaseddo you realize . . .it is love… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Smooth Sailing

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Smooth Sailing ~ By Deborah Ann Today there’s smooth sailing,the water’s calm and stillit is such a gorgeous day . . .to just sit back and chill. Got nothing on my mind,my heart seems to be at restmy worries are but fewI am feeling at my best. As I go about my morning,I forget… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Stand Fast

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Stand Fast ~ By Deborah Ann Stand fast,stay firmbe strongdon’t squirm. Hold on,cling tightbe readyfor a fight. Be watchful,stay soberbe alertnot a dozer. Remain fixed,stand sounduntil the endhold ground. Stand firm,hold onbe strongin God’s Son! ~~~~~~~~ 1 Corinthians 16:13 Watch ye, stand fastin the faith, quit youlike men, be strong. King James VersionPublic Domain… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: If We’d Put Aside

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If We’d Put Aside ~ By Deborah Ann If we were to put aside,all our hate and malicewe would not come acrossas so cold and callous. If we were not filled,with pride and envywe would come acrossas genuine and friendly. If we were to behave,less hypocriticalwe would come acrossnot so judgmental. If we were not… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Grieve Not

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Grieve Not ~ By Deborah Ann Father may my words,not cause grief to Yourather let them bring praisefor all for me You do. Let my speech be used,solely for edifyinglet my remarks bepurposely purifying. Father may my lips,evil not ever speakrather let them strengthenthose who are weak. Let my mouth not be,like a gurgling… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Faith Springs Forth

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Faith Springs Forth ~ By Deborah Ann Faith springs from the heart,as mercy falls from abovethe earth becomes enrichedby the grace of Jesus’ love. Hope dwells internally,the seed has been plantedall who willing come to Jesuseternal salvation is granted. Truth descends from heaven,peace to earth Jesus bringsthe world opens up its armto receive its King… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Holy Conversion

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Holy Conversion ~ By Deborah Ann A new life in Christ,a holy conversion . . .one saving us fromlust filled perversion. Once dead in trespasses,now in hope are we aliveno longer are our soulsfrom eternity deprived. Born-again and appointed,to a new divine life . . .the natural man gonetaking with him our strife. Free… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: If You Will Seek

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If You Will Seek ~ By Deborah Ann If to God you draw near,He will hear your cryif you confess your sinsyour heart He’ll purify. If you will seek His face,He will hear your prayerif you call on His nameyour life He will repair. If you return to God,you will be restoredif with your whole… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Jesus Is Enough

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Jesus Is Enough ~ By Deborah Ann Jesus is enough,there’s nothing you can doJesus is the only Onewho can save you. Jesus is enough,He is above everythingJesus is the one absoluteHe is the sum of all things. Jesus is enough,no need to add or take awayJesus is the only Oneleading to the Life, Truth and… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Our All in All

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Our All in All ~ By Deborah Ann In Christ,a new creationthrough Himour salvation. In Jesus,a new beginningthrough Himcomes forgiving. In Christ,our peacethrough Himsin’s release. In God’s Son,our redemptionthrough Himour election. In Christ,our All whose in Allbecause of Jesus . . .all saved from the fall! ~~~~~~~~~~ Colossians 3:11 Where there is neither Greek nor… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Mind Focused In On Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Mind Focused In On Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann A mind focused,in on Jesus . . .is a heart restedon forgiveness. For it acknowledges,it’s once fallen statehow Jesus saved itfrom damnation’s fate. A life centered,on the crossis a soul awareit was once dross. For it recognizes,without the resurrectionthere would be no hopefor eternal salvation.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Working Your Way To Heaven

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Working Your Way to Heaven ~ By Deborah Ann Some people they think,because they are goodto heaven they’ll get . . .as all nice people should. They say their deeds,are their sure way inhow their good actswill atone their sin. Some people they feel,it’s up to them to obtaintheir way into heavenon a performance campaign.… (more…)