Tag Archives: Clamness

#throwbackpoem: Peace Unexpected

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Peace Unexpected ~ By Deborah Ann God gives to me,peace unexpectedwhenever His waysI have respected. A peace that calms,my anxious soulone guaranteedto ease and console. God gives to me,peace surpassingwith the promise . . .it’ll be everlasting. A peace so unreal,it’s out of this worldthe kind only Godis able to unfurl. God gives to… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Peace Unexpected

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Peace Unexpected ~ By Deborah Ann God gives to me,peace unexpectedwhenever His waysI have respected. A peace that calms,my anxious soulone guaranteedto ease and console. God gives to me,peace surpassingwith the promise . . .it’ll be everlasting. A peace so unreal,it’s out of this worldthe kind only Godis able to unfurl. God gives to… (more…)