Tag Archives: Be Not Conformed

Today’s Poem: If You Want To Be Transformed

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If You Want To Be Transformed ~ By Deborah Ann Belka If  you want to be transformed,your mind you must renewworry, disbelief and fearyou’ll need to put behind you. Thoughts of faith and trust,must be your way of thinkingputting confidence in Godshould be your only reasoning. Any unbelief or doubt,you will need to get rid… (more…)

Today’s Poem: In A Twinkling Of An Eye

to GOD be the GLORY August 4, 2015 ~ In A Twinkling of An Eye ~ By Deborah Ann I am coming soon,in a twinkling of an eyewill you be sober . . .to see Me in the sky? I am coming soon,what will you be doingdo you believe with Meyou’ll soon be going? I am coming soon,in a twinkling… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Give Up, Never

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Give Up, Never ~ By Deborah Ann Don’t you quit,give up, neverfrom God’s waysdo not sever. Do not give in,don’t succumba part of this worlddo not become. Don’t you depart,get not blown awaybe not that sheepthat’s gone astray. Do not be adapted,be not conformedinstead in Jesusbe transformed. Don’t you quit,but be renewedlest you’ll havea worldly… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: My Sights Are Set

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Sights Are Set ~ By Deborah Ann My sights are set,directly before memy eyes look forwardto the glory I’ll see. I concentrate on the path,dependable and straightI keep my feet marchingtowards the narrow gate. My eyes are kept alert,for satan’s pitfallmy legs move onwardso into them I won’t fall. My steps are committed,to God… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: A Living Sacrifice

to GOD be the GLORY ~A Living Sacrifice ~ By Deborah Ann If you want to really find,God’s will good and perfectthen you must give to Himyour own for Him to correct. You will need to submit,your heart, mind and soulover to the Holy Spiritso He can take control. Then He will teach you,all about holy livingand your whole life to… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Called To Freedom

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Called To Freedom ~ By Deborah Ann Called to freedom,not worldly bondagecalled to understandingwisdom and knowledge. Called to liberation,not worldly dependencecalled into holy livingmoral transcendence. Called to empowerment,not worldly subjectioncalled to be the Lightof Jesus’ reflection. Called to separation,not worldly servitudecalled to be discerningwith minds daily renewed. Called to freedom,not worldly conformationcalled into a new… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Think About Such Things

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Thinking About Such Things ~ By Deborah Ann  Whatever that is true, that which shines of His light whatever that will fill you . . . with God’s power and His might. Think about such things, before you start your day it will help keep you from following the world’s way. Whatever that is honest, that… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Walking Wisely

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Walking Wisely ~ Deborah Ann Oh, Father I thank you, today for Your grace for the wisdom I need in the world I’ll face. For I know of the evil, I will witness today and walking wisely must be my mainstay. Oh, Father I thank you, for Your constant guidance as I strive for… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Holy Spirit’s Power

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Holy Spirit’s Power ~ By Deborah Ann Holy Spirit, we all need You to help us daily to battle through. Without Your strength, to overcome to each temptation we would succumb. Holy Spirit, God’s gift to us in Your power we need to trust. Without Your courage, to make us willing to the world… (more…)

Poem: The Wicked

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Wicked ~ By Deborah Ann The wicked enter through, the gate of pride and lust worldly riches pave the path for it’s in “things” they do trust. They walk with the ungodly, party with the irreligious depravity sleeps in their beds their covers are sacrilegious. The wicked live in the dark, their lives… (more…)

Poem: Do Not Love The World

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Do Not Love The World ~ By Deborah Ann Do not love the world, nor the things in or of it for, to your soul . . . there’s no lasting benefit. For, the world’s full of pride, promoting fleshly lust to its godless customs you mustn’t ever adjust. Do not become a part, of… (more…)

My Faith Keeps Me Hoping

to GOD be the GLORY March 3, 2018 My Faith Keeps Me Hoping ~ By Deborah Ann My faith keeps me hoping, it keeps me alert so from the narrow way I will not divert. For, what I hope for, isn’t found on this earth nothing it provides has everlasting worth. My faith keeps me hopeful, it keeps me vigilant so… (more…)

Think About Such Things ~

Whatever that is true, that which shines of His light whatever that will fill you . . . with God’s power and His might. Think about such things, before you start your day it will help keep you from following the world’s way. Whatever that is honest, that which is sincere whatever that will help you to overcome your fear. Think… (more…)