Tag Archives: Antichrist

#throwbackpoem: The Mark Of The Beast

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Mark of The Beast ~ By Deborah Ann Father in heaven,Lord of my lifehelp me to battlethe New World strife. Keep my soul ready,to receive Thy instructionskeep my heart watchfulto the New Order abduction. Keep my mind alert,to Thy holy wisdomkeep my thoughts unlikethe One World System. Keep my eyes aware,to see it… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Saving Grace

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Saving Grace ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, today I’m in need,of more of Your loving patiencemine is getting weary . . .at times it’s hard to be gracious. I’m requesting from You,the fortitude to withstandthe effects of man’s rebellionspreading all across the land. I’m asking You to give me,some extra staying powerso I may shine Your… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Jesus Will Reign

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Jesus Will Reign ~ By Deborah Ann One day . . .in a twinkling of an eyeJesus will comeon a cloud in the sky. For some it’s the beginning,of eternal life . . .for those who are left the startof everlasting strife. One day . . .the trumpet will blowthe exact hourno one will ever… (more…)