Tag Archives: All Things New

#throwbackpoem: Something New

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Something New ~ By Deborah Ann He made us,into something newand we must believethis to be true. Lest to doubt,we will succumband our faith . . .will be humdrum. He is planning,a new path for usand we must alwaysin Him trust. Lest to temptation,we will surely falland our faith . . .will be weak… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Old Things Gone

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Old Things Gone ~ By Deborah Ann Old things gone,no more desirefor worldly wealthto acquire. No more need,to seek greed outsatisfied nowto do without. Old things dead,no more pleasureworldly practicesno longer treasure. No more wants,indulgences filledto old thoughtsno longer thrilled. Old things gone,all things newself removed . . .Christ now in you! ~~~~~~~~~ 2 Corinthians… (more…)