Tag Archives: 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Today’s Poem: Thanksgiving Time

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Thanksgiving Time ~ By Deborah Ann Thanksgiving time,again is drawing neara time to let God . . .our gratitude hear. But we need to go past,just this time of the yearand make sure God alwaysour thanksgiving hears. Thanksgiving time,isn’t just for the holidaysfor a grateful heart . . .is thankful for all its days.… (more…)

Gracious Gratitude ~

Not just on Thanksgiving, but every day of the year give God your heartfelt praise and it will bring you cheer. For when we are thankful, the entire year through joy will flood our hearts spilling over in all we do. Every minute of the day, thank God for His grace every second you’re alive praise His holy face. Give… (more…)