Tag Archives: 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

#throwbackpoem: Who Would I Be Without Christ

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Who Would I Be Without Christ ~ By Deborah Ann Without Christ  . . . I would be rebelliousI would be ungodlyI would be unrighteousI would be deprivedI would be lostI would be deceived ~~~~~~~ I would be a fornicatorI would be an idolatorI would be an adultererI would be lewd and wantonI would be… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Brewing Storm

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Brewing Storm ~ By Deborah Ann There’s a coming storm,for years its been brewingwe all have been privyto its ominous warning. It’s been building up,for many a decadeyou can smell in the airthe filth, rot and decay. There’s a disturbance,it’s out on the horizonoff in the distancethere is an eerie siren. If you listen… (more…)