Spring Tease ~

Street Scene by Scott Foster free photo #6759
I thought I saw the sun peeking,
 through the dark clouds today
 and in between the snowflakes
 I prayed Spring was on its way.
For, I'm tired of the chilly days,
 and the long cold, frigid nights
 oh, how I wish Spring would come
 with its warm and friendly sights.
I look at my barren garden,
 longing to see my climbing rose
 just the thought of its perfume
 tickles ~ my frozen little nose.
This prayerful hope for Spring,
 comes like a breath of fresh air
 making me feel all giddy . . .
 as this winter has been a bear.
I know this taste of Spring,
 is just a little tease . . .
 but soon the Lord will bring
 a gentle warming breeze.
But, for now I'll just have to wait,
 for nature's way and law . . .
 and trust in the Creators timing
 that my feet will begin to thaw!
Ecclesiastes 3 
 King James Version
To every thing
 there is a season
 and a time to every purpose
 under the heaven:"
Copyright 2013
 Deborah Ann Belka

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