The World’s Greatest Love Letter ~

lovebeyond used with permission IBible Verses
For God so loves the world,
 that He gave to all His only Son
 who came to mend and heal
 the heart and soul of everyone.
It doesn't matter your race,
 or the color of your skin
 Jesus just wants to forgive you
 if you'd confess to Him your sin.
You may be rich and happy,
 you may be poor and weak
 but to Jesus we're all bankrupt
 if His truth we do not seek.
It doesn't matter your fortune,
 or your station in this life
 for He knows without His love
 we'll live with everlasting strife.
You may be blind or deaf,
 but that won't stand in His way
 for He came to teach and show
 how sin causes death and decay.
It doesn't matter your position,
 all are equal in His eyes
 but He knows without His truth
 we won't see through Satan's lies.
You may be a thief or a murderer,
 an idolaters or an oppressor
 but that won't stop His promise
 to set free every transgressor.
It doesn't matter your offense,
 to Him ~ all sin is the same
 what matters most to Jesus
 is that we believe in His name.
For God so loves the world,
 that He gave to all His only Son
 who came to forgive and breathe
 new life into each and everyone!
John 3:16
King James Version 
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his
  only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth
  in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
Copyright 2012
  Deborah Ann Belka

Putting On the New Man ~

You offered to me this new man,
 and asked me to put him on . . .
 You challenged me to grow in Him
to be willing to be Spirit drawn.
You told me my life was useless,
 and my heart was as dry as dust
 that my mind was full of darkness
 overflowing with the sin of lust.
You asked me to give to You,
 the worldly joys in my possession
 You told me that in return for them
 You'd give me Your pure perfection.
You made me open up my eyes,
 and see the uselessness in what I do
 showing me no matter how hard I try
 they're fruitless when done without You.
You revealed to me that all my pain,
 was from the emptiness deep inside
 and why this old and new man
 can't live peacefully side by side.
You asked me to make a choice,
 a dark heart for one full of light
 I chose to put on the righteous man
 and to give the old one a holy fight!
Ephesians 4:24
 King James Version
And that ye put on the new man,
 which after God is created in righteousness
 and true holiness.
Copyright 2012
 Deborah Ann Belka

Let Jesus Come In ~

Be Free by Marian Trindad free photo
 A heart full of wounds,
 that no longer can feel
needs the touch of Jesus
 who knows how to heal.
A life that's been shattered,
 that leaves them nowhere
needs the hand of the Lord
 to lead them somewhere.
A body that is broken,
 beaten up, and is bare
needs the love of Jesus
 who will always care.
A sinner, a beggar
 a poor man's thief
 needs God's forgiveness
 to overcome their grief.
No matter your station,
 or place in this life
you need the Savior
 to overcome the strife.
So open your mind,
 shut out the depression
 let Jesus come in
 and make His impression!
Acts 4:12
 King James Version
"Neither is there salvation in any other:
 for there is none other name under heaven
 given among men, whereby we must be saved."
Copyright 2014
 Deborah Ann Belka

~ The Mystery of God’s Love ~

By Deborah Ann

Lord, I cannot illustrate,
the mystery of Your love
for it rises higher than the moon
hanging onto the skies above.

I cannot measure it,
not the distance or the length
I cannot grasp it
not its power or its strength.

I cannot calculate it,
not the width or the depth
I cannot fathom it
without holding in my breath.

I cannot explain it,
not how near or how far
I cannot clarify it
for it is the Morning Star.

I cannot imagine it,
beyond what my eyes can see
and yet I am amazed
that to infinity You love me.

Lord, I cannot illustrate
Your mystery from above
and yet I cannot live without
Your everlasting love!


Jeremiah 31:3

“The Lord hath appeared of old
unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved
thee with an everlasting love:
herefore with lovingkindness
have I drawn thee.”

King James Bible
by Public Domain

Copyright 2012
Deborah Ann Belka

Ten Laws You Mustn’t Break

Exodus 20

And God spake all these words, saying,

I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage

1.     Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

 2.    Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water  under the earth. 

Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and  fourth generation of them that hate me; and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

3.     Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain;   for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

4.     Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:  For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

5.     Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

6.     Thou shalt not kill.

7.      Thou shalt not commit adultery.

8.     Thou shalt not steal.

9.     Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

10.    Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.

And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off.

And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die.

And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not.

And the people stood afar off, and Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where God was.

and the LORD said unto Moses, Thus thou shalt say unto the children of Israel, Ye have seen that I have talked with you from heaven.

Ye shall not make with me gods of silver, neither shall ye make unto you gods of gold.

An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me, and shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy peace offerings, thy sheep, and thine oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee.

And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it. Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon.

King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

God Is My Refuge

God is my refuge,
 a retreat for my soul
 where life and its pressures
 cannot take their toll.
His wings watch over me,
 a shelter they provide
 whenever I am weary
 a perfect place to hide.
He will protect me,
 I will not be harmed
 for, He has me encased
 in His everlasting arms.
God is my refuge,
 a safe harbor to which I flee
 when I’m being tossed
 upon the stormy sea.
When I need strength,
 for the troubles I get in
 I always turn to the Lord
 my refuge from within!
Psalm 46:1
 King James Version
“God is our refuge and strength,
 a very present help in trouble.”
Copyright 2011
 Deborah Ann Belka

God Is My Refuge ~

God is my refuge,
  a retreat for my soul
  where life and its pressures
  cannot take their toll.
His wings watch over me,
  a shelter they provide
  whenever I am weary
  a perfect place to hide.
He will protect me,
  I will not be harmed
  for He has me encased
  in His everlasting arms.
God is my refuge,
  a safe harbor to which I flee
  when I'm being tossed
  upon the stormy sea.
When I need strength,
  for the troubles I get in
  I always turn to the Lord
  my refuge from within!
Psalm 46:1
"God is our refuge and strength,
  a very present help in trouble."
Copyright 2012 
  Deborah Ann Belka

Peace Of Mind ~

Direct my Paths used with permission Doorpost Verses on Facebook
There is a place of calm,
for all of us to find
a place to just let go
and have peace of mind.
Mine is in God's garden,
amid His Word I do reap
promises of green pastures
the gathering of His sheep.
As I walk along the path,
I bow to smell a rose
the scent of His undying love
in my heart forever grows.
I wander down the way,
and stop to pick a verse
I'm awed by His goodness
and find myself immersed.
I sit upon the bench,
under the arbor of my soul
and rest in the knowledge,
God is always in control!
Isaiah 26:3
King James Version
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on thee:
because he trusteth in thee.
Copyright 2013
Deborah Ann Belka

Peace Of Mind ~

Peace with God used with permission Doorstop verses
There is a place of calm,
  for all of us to find
  a place to just let go
  and have peace of mind.
Mine is in God's garden,
  amid His Word I do reap
  promises of green pastures
  the gathering of His sheep.
As I walk along the path,
  I bow to smell a rose
  the scent of His undying love
  in my heart forever grows.
I wander down the way,
  and stop to pick a verse
  I'm awed by His goodness
  and in His beauty I'm immersed.
I sit upon the bench,
  under the arbor of my soul
  and rest in the knowledge
  He is always in control!

Isaiah 26:3
King James Version

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on thee:
because he trusteth in thee."

Copyright 2011
  Deborah Ann Belka

God Has His Reasons ~

for everything, there is a season
  for every trial, God has a reason
a time to be tested, a time to be still
 a time to hurt, a time to heal
a time to fail, a time to grow
 a time to doubt, a time to know
a time of suspicion, a time of belief
 a time of pain, a time of relief
to everything, there is a season
  for every worry, God has a reason
a time to be weak, a time to be strong
 a time to be right, a time to be wrong
a time to be sorry, a time to be glad
 a time to be happy, a time to be sad
a time to be anxious, a time to rest
 a time to release, a time to digest
to everything, there is a season
  for every battle, God has a reason
a time to fight, a time to make peace
 a time to let go, a time to reach
a time to lose, a time to win
 a time to be wrong, a time to give in
a time to turn away, a time to follow
 a time to trust, a time to wallow
to everything, there is a season
  for every soul, God has a reason
a time to die, a time to be reborn
 a time to rejoice, a time to mourn
a time to squelch, a time to express
 a time to hold back, a time to confess
a time of death, a time to live
 a time of shame, a time to forgive
to everything, there is a season
  for every man, God has a reason!
Ecclesiastes 3:1
  King James Version
To every thing there is a season,
  and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
by Deborah Ann Belka
 Copyright 2011

For Every Beginning . . .

For every beginning,
there must be an end
just like a rainbow
must have a bend.
But, He who has begun,
a good work in you
will be there to help
and see you through.
For what He begins,
will not fade away
what He has started
 He'll complete one day.
His love set in motion,
is constant and true
 He'll never cease
taking care of you.
His comfort is steady,
to soothe and to ease
 He is always eager
to satisfy and to please.
His hope is ceaseless,
forever it goes on
just like a new day
must have a dawn.
His faithfulness persists,
no matter the season
 He'll always forgive you
no matter the reason.
His gentle, kind mercies,
are eternally bound
forever they will comfort
they are yours to be found.
His truth sets us free,
from Satan's deception
for He liberated us all
on the Day of Redemption.
For those who endure,
will be saved to the end
and you'll find in Jesus,
you have no better a friend
So, give your life to Jesus,
and you'll find perfect rest
 Just like the sun . . .
must set in the west.
Philippians 1:6
 King James Version
"Being confident of this very thing,
 that he which hath begun a good work
 in you will perform it until the day of
 Jesus Christ:"
By Deborah Ann Belka
 Copyright 2011

I Wait ~

I wait on Your name Lord,
 for I know that it is just
 I know that You're someone
 I can lean on and to trust.
I wait on Your name Lord,
 for I know that it is true
 I know that Your Word
 is what I need to cling to.
I wait on Your name Lord,
 for I know that it is pure
 I know that Your grace
 Is my souls only cure.
I wait on Your name Lord,
 for I know that it is right
 I know I can count on You
 to guide me in Your light!
Psalm 130:5
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
 And in His word I do hope.
Deborah Ann Belka
 copyright 2011

His Wing’s Shadow

On the shadow of Your wings,
where no sun or rain will blind
where Thy loving-kindness waits
to fill hearts with peace of mind.
On the shadow of Your wings,
where no storm or wind will meet
where Thy grace inspires calm
to give the weary heart retreat.
On the shadow of Your wings,
where no fear or doubt will soar
where Thy steadfast love exists
to help grieving hearts restore.
On the shadow of Your wings,
where no pain or hurt will be
where Thy goodness is prepared
to bring broken hearts to Thee.
On the shadow of Your wings,
where no star or moon will fade
where Thy mercies reach forever
to heal hearts that are afraid.
Oh, precious is Your loving kindness,
where our trust can mount and rise
where unfailing love gives assurance
Your wing’s shadow protects our cries.
Psalm 36:7
King James Version
“How excellent is thy lovingkindness,
O God! therefore the children of men
put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.”
Copyright 2013
Deborah Ann Belka

The Lyrics of My Heart ~

Make Music used with permission Doorpost Verses on Facebook

With what words shall I compose,
  the lyrics of my heart?
  I hear them in my mind,
  yet, I'm not sure where to start.
Shall I arrange them in perfect order,
  from the time when we first met?
  Or open with the refrain of the day,
  You took upon Yourself my debt?
Shall I begin with my appreciation,
  with the gratitude I have for You?
  Or, perhaps I should open with my love,
  ah, yes that is what I ought to do.
For to capture from within my soul,
  the melody of my full expression.
  I would have to come up with the tune,
  of how Your love left its true impression.
Oh, to know what I now understand,
  and to see how my love has grown.
  You would have to one day meet,
  this Man I have loved and known.
For He loved the world so,
  and gave to all His only Son.
  And that is the greatest love song,
  this heart can sing to anyone.
Psalm 108:1
"O God, my heart is fixed;
 I will sing and give praise,
 even with my glory."
King James Version
 by Public Domain
By Deborah Ann Belka
 Copyright 2010 ©

God, I Give You All the Glory ~

How shall I show my appreciation,
  for all You have done for me?
  Should I kneel in this space of time,
  unmoving on bended knee?
Shall I lift my arms to the heavens,
  never to let them fall to my side?
  Should I raise my hands up even higher,
  and never allow them to subside?
Shall I shout from my rooftop,
  about Your mercies I have seen?
  Should I scream over the oceans roar,
  of how much to me, You mean?
Shall I praise Your Holy name,
  from the highest mountain top?
  Should I exalt You night and day,
  and never for a moment stop?
God, I will give You all the glory,
  for the miracles You have done
for, You've given me the gift of hope
  through the healing touch of Your Son.


Psalm 104:33
King James Version
"I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live:
I will sing praise to my God while I have my being."
by Deborah Ann Belka
 Copyright 2010

His Wings Shadow ~

On the shadow of Your wings,
  where no sun or rain will blind
  where Thy loving kindness waits
  to fill hearts with peace of mind.
On the shadow of Your wings,
  where no storm or wind will meet
  where Thy grace inspires calm
  to give the weary heart retreat.
On the shadow of Your wings,
  where no fear or doubt will soar
  where Thy steadfast love exists
  to help grieving hearts restore.
On the shadow of Your wings,
  where no pain or hurt will be
  where Thy goodness is prepared
  to bring broken hearts to Thee.
On the shadow of Your wings,
  where no stars or moon will fade
  where Thy mercies reach forever
  to heal hearts that are afraid.
Oh, precious is Your loving kindness,
  where our trust can mount and rise
  where unfailing love gives assurance
  Your wing's shadow protects our cries.
Psalm 36:7
"How excellent is thy lovingkindness,
 O God! therefore the children of men
 put their trust under the shadow of thy wings."
King James Version
 by Public Domain
by Deborah Ann Belka
 Copyright 2010

The Potter’s Hands ~

thank-you-for-shaping-my-life CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann
The Potter’s hands are calm,
while He molds us in His love
He crafts each single vessel
with His blessings from above.
No two vessels look-alike,
each is seen uniquely in His sight
He sculpts us out individually
for His joy and His delight.
The Potter takes our souls,
and turns them on His wheel
until He shapes each one of us
to know His perfect will.
Each vessel is a work of art,
made in the labor of His grace
He lovingly knows each one of us
by the silhouette of our face.
Isaiah 64:8
King James Version
“But now, O LORD, You are our Father;
We are the clay, and You our potter;
And all we are the work of Your hand.
Copyright 2012
Deborah Ann Belka

I am Not Ashamed ~

Lord, I am not ashamed,
  of the hope that lives in me
  I wear my faith openly
  for all the world to see.
You asked me to be the light,
  to shine Your Word upon my path
 so, I share Your truth knowing,
  at me they'll scorn and laugh.
I am not intimidated,
  by the words and thoughts of man
 instead, I rejoice in the knowledge
  You will finish what You began.
You asked me to be the salt,
  to spread Your favor on the earth
 so, I tell the story on my way
  of their sin, Your life, new birth.
I am not afraid,
  or concerned what man may do
 for I know that I am Yours
  and they can't take me from You.
You asked me to follow You,
  in my every act and deed
  I do so willingly because I know
  You will help me as I need.
I am not beaten,
  although man may think he's won
 for I've seen the Crown of victory
  upon my Lord, the Christ, Your Son.
You asked me to be faithful,
  my trust in You remains
  I know You will walk with me
  on the narrowest of these plains.
Lord, I am not ashamed,
  despite how man wants me to feel
 the Good News is my life
  and Your love I can't conceal!
Mark 8:38
 King James Version
“Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me
 and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation;
 of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed,
 when he cometh in the glory of his Father
 with the holy angels.”
By Deborah Ann Belka
  Copyright 2010

All That I Need ~

All that I need, God is it,
 all that I was, He has seen
 all of the pieces finally fit
 for, He is all that I need.
All that I desire, He gives,
 all that I want, He has got
all of my sins, He forgives
 for He is all that I need.
All that I am, He holds,
 all that I can be, He knows
all of my life, He unfolds
 for He is all that I need.
All that I must do, He has done,
 all that I can do, is to believe
all of my hope, is His Son
 for, He is all that I need.
2 Peter 1:3
King James Version
“According as his divine power hath given unto us all things
that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge
of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:”
By Deborah Ann Belka
  Copyright 2011

Evening’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.08.18


Monday, January 08, 2018

This Evening’s Meditation

C. H. Spurgeon

“Thy love is better than wine.”
Song of Solomon 1:2 ~

Nothing gives the believer so much joy as fellowship with Christ. He has enjoyment as others have in the common mercies of life, he can be glad both in God’s gifts and God’s works; but in all these separately, yea, and in all of them added together, he doth not find such substantial delight as in the matchless person of his Lord Jesus. He has wine which no vineyard on earth ever yielded; he has bread which all the corn-fields of Egypt could never bring forth. Where can such sweetness be found as we have tasted in communion with our Beloved?

In our esteem, the joys of earth are little better than husks for swine compared with Jesus, the heavenly manna. We would rather have one mouthful of Christ’s love, and a sip of his fellowship, than a whole world full of carnal delights. What is the chaff to the wheat? What is the sparkling paste to the true diamond? What is a dream to the glorious reality? What is time’s mirth, in its best trim, compared to our Lord Jesus in His most despised estate? If you know anything of the inner life, you will confess that our highest, purest, and most enduring joys must be the fruit of the tree of life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.

No spring yields such sweet water as that well of God which was digged with the soldier’s spear. All earthly bliss is of the earth earthy, but the comforts of Christ’s presence are like Himself, heavenly. We can review our communion with Jesus, and find no regrets of emptiness therein; there are no dregs in this wine, no dead flies in this ointment. The joy of the Lord is solid and enduring. Vanity hath not looked upon it, but discretion and prudence testify that it abideth the test of years, and is in time and in eternity worthy to be called “the only true delight.” For nourishment, consolation, exhilaration, and refreshment, no wine can rival the love of Jesus. Let us drink to the full this evening.

The Betrayal of the Chosen


The Church of Oprah Exposed


Change Me Lord ~

Inside out by Joe Cavazos free photo #9225
Change me Lord . . .
I know that I should be
a different kind of person
than the one that I call me.
Change me Lord . . .
there’s so much You can do
take this old life of mine
and make me someone new.
Change me Lord . . .
from the inside out
to trust in only You
and never again to doubt.
Change me Lord . . .
make my heart grow true
help me to see the sin
in the things I say and do.
Change me Lord . . .
show me the things I do wrong
take away my weakness
and make me, in You strong.
Change me Lord . . .
so I can see You’re all I need
to live my life like my Savior
in my every act and deed.
Ezekiel 18:31
King James Version
“Cast away from you all your transgressions,
whereby ye have transgressed;
and make you a new heart and a new spirit:”
Copyright 2013
Deborah Ann Belka

Is Christianity Dead?

Is Christianity Dead? You decide. A while ago our president stated that we were no longer a Christian nation.
[poll id=”9″]

His Saving Light ~


I fight not against the bait,
that is placed upon the hook
but rather by Satan, who wants
to keep me out of life's book.
I wrestle not against the helm,
that fights the winds at sea
but rather by the gusts of sin
that takes me far from Thee.
I struggle not against the will,
that is battled with each day
but rather by its raging power
that from God, forces me away.
I resist not against a world,
that can't see my point of view
but rather by their defiance
of a Man they never knew.
I am up against a universe,
made by God for man's delight
yet opts to live in the darkness
then to dwell in His saving light.
1 Timothy 6:12
New King James Version
"Fight the good fight of faith,
lay hold on eternal life,
to which you were also called
and have confessed the good confession
in the presence of many witnesses."
Copyright 2013
Deborah Ann Belka

End Times Poll

[poll id=”6″]


Seperation Of Church and State


The following information is from the ADF.  The ADF is a group of lawyers who are going up against the ACLU and other groups who want to do away with our religious freedoms.

God so Love’s You ~

God loves you so much.  I think that most people do not understand the depth of His love.  This is something I have had to find out on my own and I have come to realize how complex at times I have made it, but in reality it is so very simple.

Here are some of the things that I have discovered over the years.

1. He loves me because He understands me.

2. He loves me because He knows me from the inside.

3. He loves me because He knows that I am imperfect.

4. He loves me because He understands my weaknesses.

5. He loves me because He made me.

6. He loves me because He does and that is the ultimate truth. HE LOVES ME!

The world may hate me, but He loves me.  In that moment, in the flash of this reasoning, I found what matters most in my life.

It is so simple, stop making it so hard.  God love you, all of you, every wonderful imperfect part of you, and He wants your love too.

He loves us so much He sent His Son to make all our imperfection right.  Come and meet His Son.


John 3:16

My Times Are In Your Hands ~

My times are in Your hands,
  my God, I wish them there
  my life
  my hopes
  my every dream
  are completely in Your care.
My times are in Your hands,
  to do what you must do
  my days
  my nights
  my entire tomorrows
  I give them all to You.
My times are in Your hands,
  in all that I do and say
  my thoughts
  my feelings
  my deepest desires
  are Yours to do what You may.
My times are in Your hands,
  to mold as You seem right
  my love
  my faith
  my total trust
  are Yours to do as You might.
My times are in Your hands,
  Dear Lord, I want them there
  my heart
  my mind
  my souls' design
  are Yours to trim and pare!
 Psalm 31:15
  King James Version
 “My times are in thy hand:”
By Deborah Ann Belka
  Copyright 2010


Did you know that Jesus saves lives?  He wants to save yours.

He wants you, He loves you, He created you, He made you, He’s given you life. And you’ve turned your back on Him and He’s wanting to forgive you. He’s wanting to set you free. He wants to give you a new start. But you’ve got to be willing to come to Him tonight. Confessing your sin to Him, telling Him you’re sorry, asking Him for forgiveness, and receive by faith Christ into your heart, God will set you free. You see, Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but by me. There is no other way to God, except through Jesus Christ. Why? Because Jesus Christ is the only one in history that paid the debt of sin.

Think about it.

If you want Jesus to save your life today.  Respond to the prayer on the prayer page.


God Bless you.