I Trust ~

I Trust ~ CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann
I trust in God,
 His mercy for me
 my hope is in . . .
 what I can’t see.
My faith is set,
 on things above
 my heart rests
 on eternal love.
I rely on God,
 for what is good
 my soul rejoices
 just as it should.
My future’s solid,
 on the Rock I stand
 by faith I hold 
 onto His mighty hand.
I trust in God,
 hope in things to come
 my soul’s destined . . .
 to enter, His kingdom!
Psalm 7:1
“O Lord my God,
  in thee do I put my trust;”
King James Version
 by Public Domain
Copyright 2015
 Deborah Ann Belka

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