Our Burden Bearer ~


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I got me many worries,
an awful lot of cares
but, on my soul . . .
they don’t wear and tear.
When fears come my way,
I simply toss them aside
for, in my mind . . .
I don’t allow them to reside.
Trials may consume me,
fiery ones leap and bound
but, in my spirit . . .
they don’t stay around.
When I’m facing Satan,
I lose not one single hair
for, in my heart . . .
I don’t let His tactics scare.
I got me many concerns,
that could cause me terror
but, I give my every worry . . .
to my Burden Bearer!
Psalm 55:22
Cast thy burden upon the Lord,
and he shall sustain thee:
he shall never suffer
the righteous to be moved.
King James Version
by Public Domain
Copyright 2015
Deborah Ann Belka

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