Poem: Lay Your Treasure

to GOD be the GLORY

~ Lay Your Treasure ~

By Deborah Ann

Put no value in the things,
living in this world brings
for they will only just corrupt
and in the end self-destruct.

Lay instead your treasure,
in things you cannot measure
things like faith, hope and trust
for they’ll never turn into rust.

Put no worth in material things,
things like cars and diamond rings
for that which we now hold dear
will one day all just disappear.

Lay up instead things eternal,
and the things that are internal
things like morality and integrity
against which there is no penalty.

Put no value on worldly things,
instead lay in your heart of heart
the things that will in the end . . . .
not corrode, rot or fall apart!


Matthew 6:19-21

Lay not up for yourselves
treasures upon earth,
where moth and rust doth corrupt,
and where thieves break through
and steal:

But lay up for yourselves
treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor rust
doth corrupt, and where thieves
do not break through nor steal:

For where your treasure is,
there will your heart be also.

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2019
Deborah Ann Belka

How did this Bless you ~