Category Archives: ~ To God Be the Glory ~

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 09.01.24

“Thou shalt guide me with Thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.”~ Psalm 73:24 ~ The Psalmist felt his need of divine guidance. He had just been discovering the foolishness of his own heart, and lest he should be constantly led astray by it, he resolved that God’s counsel should henceforth guide him. A sense of our own folly… (more…)

Evening’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.31.24

“If we walk in the light, as He is in the light.”~ 1 John 1:7 ~ As He is in the light! Can we ever attain to this? Shall we ever be able to walk as clearly in the light as He is whom we call “Our Father,” of whom it is written, “God is light, and in Him is… (more…)

Faith’s Check Book ~ C.H. Spurgeon 08.31.24

Divine, Ever-Living, Unchanging “But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.”~ 1 Peter 1:25 ~ All human teaching and, indeed, all human beings shall pass away as the grass of the meadow; but we are here assured that the Word of the Lord is of a… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.31.24

“On mine arm shall they trust.”~ Isaiah 51:5 ~ In seasons of severe trial, the Christian has nothing on earth that he can trust to, and is therefore compelled to cast himself on his God alone. When his vessel is on its beam-ends, and no human deliverance can avail, he must simply and entirely trust himself to the providence and… (more…)

Evening’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.30.24

“Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed.”~ Jeremiah 17:14 ~ “I have seen His ways, and will heal him.”~ Isaiah 57:18 ~ It is the sole prerogative of God to remove spiritual disease. Natural disease may be instrumentally healed by men, but even then the honour is to be given to God who giveth virtue unto medicine, and… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.30.24

“Wait on the Lord.”~ Psalm 27:14 ~ It may seem an easy thing to wait, but it is one of the postures which a Christian soldier learns not without years of teaching. Marching and quick-marching are much easier to God’s warriors than standing still. There are hours of perplexity when the most willing spirit, anxiously desirous to serve the Lord,… (more…)

Evening’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.29.24

“All the days of his separation shall he eat nothing that is made of the vine tree, from the kernels even to the husk.”~ Numbers 6:4 ~ Nazarites  had taken, among other vows, one which debarred them from the use of wine. In order that they might not violate the obligation, they were forbidden to drink the vinegar of wine… (more…)

Faith’s Check Book ~ C.H. Spurgeon 08.29.24

Plentiful Refreshment “Their soul shall be as a watered garden.”~ Jeremiah 31:12 ~ Oh, to have one’s soul under heavenly cultivation; no longer a wilderness but a garden of the Lord! Enclosed from the waste, walled around by grace, planted by instruction, visited by love, weeded by heavenly discipline, and guarded by divine power, one’s favored soul is prepared to… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.29.24

“Have mercy upon me, O God.”~ Psalm 51:1 ~ When Dr. Carey was suffering from a dangerous illness, the enquiry was made, “If this sickness should prove fatal, what passage would you select as the text for your funeral sermon?” He replied, “Oh, I feel that such a poor sinful creature is unworthy to have anything said about him; but… (more…)

Evening’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.28.24

“Sing, O barren.”~ Isaiah 54:1 ~ Though we have brought forth some fruit unto Christ, and have a joyful hope that we are “plants of His own right hand planting,” yet there are times when we feel very barren. Prayer is lifeless, love is cold, faith is weak, each grace in the garden of our heart languishes and droops. We… (more…)

Faith’s Check Book ~ C.H. Spurgeon 08.28.2

Out of Any Circumstance As for me, I will call upon God; and the Lord shall save me.~ Psalm 55:16 ~ Yes, I must and will pray. What else can I do! What better can I do? Betrayed, forsaken, grieved, baffled, O my Lord, I will call upon Thee. My Ziklag is in ashes, and men speak of stoning me;… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.28.24

“Oil for the light.”~ Exodus 25:6 ~ My soul, how much thou needest this, for thy lamp will not long continue to burn without it. Thy snuff will smoke and become an offence if light be gone, and gone it will be if oil be absent. Thou hast no oil well springing up in thy human nature, and therefore thou… (more…)

Evening’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.27.24

“Into Thine hand I commit my spirit: Thou hast redeemed me, O Lord God of truth.” ~ Psalm 31:5 ~ These words have been frequently used by holy men in their hour of departure. We may profitably consider them this evening. The object of the faithful man’s solicitude in life and death is not his body or his estate, but his… (more…)

Faith’s Check Book ~ C.H. Spurgeon 08.27.24

Choice Men “I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction. “~ Isaiah 48:10 ~ This has long been the motto fixed before our eye upon the wall of our bedroom, and in many ways it has also been written on our heart. It is no mean thing to be chosen of God. God’s choice makes chosen men choice men.… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.27.24

“How long will it be ere they believe me?”~ Numbers 14:11 ~ Stive with all diligence to keep out that monster unbelief. It so dishonours Christ, that He will withdraw His visible presence if we insult Him by indulging it. It is true it is a weed, the seeds of which we can never entirely extract from the soil, but… (more…)

Evening’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.26.24

“The people, when they beheld Him, were greatly amazed, and running to Him saluted Him.”~ Mark 9:15 ~ How great the difference between Moses and Jesus! When the prophet of Horeb had been forty days upon the mountain, he underwent a kind of transfiguration, so that his countenance shone with exceeding brightness, and he put a veil over his face,… (more…)

Faith’s Check Book ~ C.H. Spurgeon 08.26.24

He of Tender Conscience “I will judge between cattle and cattle.”~ Ezekiel 34:22 ~ Some are fat and flourishing, and therefore they are unkind to the feeble. This is a grievous sin and causes much sorrow. Those thrustings with side and with shoulder, those pushings of the diseased with the horn, are a sad means of offense in the assemblies… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.26.24

“He hath commanded His covenant for ever.”~ Psalms 111:9 ~ The Lord’s people delight in the covenant itself. It is an unfailing source of consolation to them so often as the Holy Spirit leads them into its banqueting house and waves its banner of love. They delight to contemplate the antiquity of that covenant, remembering that before the day-star knew… (more…)

Evening’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.25.24

“If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest.”~ Acts 8:37 ~ These words may answer your scruples, devout reader, concerning the ordinances. Perhaps you say, “I should be afraid to be baptized; it is such a solemn thing to avow myself to be dead with Christ, and buried with Him. should not feel at liberty to come to the… (more…)

Faith’s Check Book ~ C.H. Spurgeon 08.25.24

Food and Rest “I will feed my flock, and I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord God.”~ Ezekiel 34:15 ~ Under the divine shepherdry saints are fed to the full. Theirs is not a windy, unsatisfying mess of mere human “thought,” but the Lord feeds them upon the solid, substantial truth of divine revelation. There is real… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.25.24

“His fruit was sweet to my taste.”~ Song of Solomon 2:3 ~ Faith, in the Scripture, is spoken of under the emblem of all the senses. It is sight: “Look unto me and be ye saved.” It is hearing: “Hear, and your soul shall live.” Faith is smelling: “All thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia”; “thy name… (more…)

Evening’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.24.24

“If fire break out, and catch in thorns, so that the stacks of corn, or the standing corn, or the field, be consumed therewith; he that kindled the fire shall surely make restitution.”~ Exodus 22:6 ~ But what restitution can he make who casts abroad the fire-brands of error, or the coals of lasciviousness, and sets men’s souls on a… (more…)

Faith’s Check Book ~ C.H. Spurgeon 08.24.24

God Above Human Philosophy “For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.”~ 1 Corinthians 1:19 ~ This verse is a threatening so far as the worldly wise are concerned, but to the simple believer it is a promise. The professedly learned are forever trying to bring… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.24.24

“The breaker is come up before them.”~ Micah 2:13 ~ Inasmuch as Jesus has gone before us, things remain not as they would have been had He never passed that way. He has conquered every foe that obstructed the way. Cheer up now thou faint-hearted warrior. Not only has Christ travelled the road, but He has slain thine enemies. Dost… (more…)

Evening’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.23.24

“That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith.”~ Ephesians 3:17 ~ Beyond measure it is desirable that we, as believers, should have the person of Jesus constantly before us, to inflame our love towards Him, and to increase our knowledge of Him. I would to God that my readers were all entered as diligent scholars in Jesus’ college, students… (more…)

Faith’s Check Book ~ C.H. Spurgeon 08.23.24

Love and Seek True Wisdom “I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.” ~ Proverbs 8:17 ~ Wisdom loves her lovers and seeks her seekers. He is already wise who seeks to be wise, and he has almost found wisdom who diligently seeks her. What is true of wisdom in general is specially… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.23.24

“The voice of weeping shall be no more heard.”~ Isaiah 65:19 ~ The glorified weep no more, for all outward a causes of grief are gone. There are no broken friendships, nor blighted prospects in heaven. Poverty, famine, peril, persecution, and slander, are unknown there. No pain distresses, no thought of death or bereavement saddens. They weep no more, for… (more…)

Evening’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.22.24

“The unsearchable riches of Christ.”~ Ephesians 3:8. ~ My Master has riches beyond the count of arithmetic, the measurement of reason, the dream of imagination, or the eloquence of words. They are unsearchable! You may look, and study, and weigh, but Jesus is a greater Saviour than you think Him to be when your thoughts are at the greatest. My… (more…)

Faith’s Check Book ~ C.H. Spurgeon 08.22.24

Wrath to God’s Glory “Surely the wrath of man shall raise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain.”~ Psalm 76:10 ~ Wicked men will be wrathful. Their anger we must endure as the badge of our calling, the token of our separation from them: if we were of the world, the world would love its own. Our comfort is… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.22.24

“I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if ye find my beloved, that ye tell him, that I am sick of love.”~ Song of Solomon 5:8 ~ Such is the language of the believer panting after present fellowship with Jesus, he is sick for his Lord. Gracious souls are never perfectly at ease except they are in a state of… (more…)

Evening’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.21.24

“I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye Me in vain.” ~Isaiah 45:19 ~ We may gain much solace by considering what God has not said. What He has said is inexpressibly full of comfort and delight; what He has not said is scarcely less rich in consolation. It was one of these “said nots” which preserved the… (more…)

Faith’s Check Book ~ C.H. Spurgeon 08.21.24

Night of Weeping; Joyous Day “For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favor is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”~ Psalm 30:5 ~ A moment under our Father’s anger seems very long, and yet it is but a moment after all. If we grieve His Spirit, we cannot look for His… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.21.24

“He that watereth shall be watered also himself.” ~ Proverbs 11:25 ~ We are here taught the great lesson, that to get, we must give; that to accumulate, we must scatter; that to make ourselves happy, we must make others happy; and that in order to become spiritually vigorous, we must seek the spiritual good of others. In watering others,… (more…)

Evening’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 08.20.24

“And they fortified Jerusalem unto the broad wall.”~ Nehemiah 3:8 ~ Cities well fortified have broad walls, and so had Jerusalem in her glory. The New Jerusalem must, in like manner, be surrounded and preserved by a broad wall of nonconformity to the world, and separation from its customs and spirit. The tendency of these days break down the holy… (more…)

Faith’s Check Book ~ C.H. Spurgeon 08.20.24

Deliverance Not Limited “He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee.”~ Job 5:19 ~ Eliphaz in this spoke the truth of God. We may have as many troubles as the workdays of the week, but the God who worked on those six days will work for us till our deliverance is complete.… (more…)