Daily Archives: February 11, 2012

Putting On the New Man ~

You offered to me this new man, and asked me to put him on . . . You challenged me to grow in Him to be willing to be Spirit drawn. You told me my life was useless, and my heart was as dry as dust that my mind was full of darkness overflowing with the sin of lust. You… (more…)

Let Jesus Come In ~

A heart full of wounds, that no longer can feel needs the touch of Jesus who knows how to heal. A life that’s been shattered, that leaves them nowhere needs the hand of the Lord to lead them somewhere. A body that is broken, beaten up, and is bare needs the love of Jesus who will always care. A sinner,… (more…)

~ The Mystery of God’s Love ~

By Deborah Ann Lord, I cannot illustrate, the mystery of Your love for it rises higher than the moon hanging onto the skies above. I cannot measure it, not the distance or the length I cannot grasp it not its power or its strength. I cannot calculate it, not the width or the depth I cannot fathom it without holding… (more…)