to GOD be the GLORY
~ Asking, Believing & Receiving ~
By Deborah Ann

Our Bible tells us,
that we need to ask
for, God to our needs
is up to the task.
But, we must pray,
for them to be met
lest over them
we’ll worry and fret.
Our Bible reveals,
to make known our prayer
for, God wants to help us
with our every care.
But, we must plea,
before Him our case
lest we fail to be . . .
renewed by His grace.
Our Bible says to us,
to pray without ceasing
but, we must go to God . . .
trusting and believing!
“And all things,
whatsoever ye shall ask
in prayer, believing,
ye shall receive.
“Pray without ceasing.â€
King James Version
Public Domain
Copyright 2018
Deborah Ann Belka