to GOD be the GLORY
~ Released ~
By Deborah Ann

Whenever I’m anxious,
and life has me by the hem
I loosen up and I let go . . .
casting everything onto Him.
I simply sit back,
and let myself unwind
I relax in the knowledge
He’ll give me peace of mind.
Whenever I’m restless,
tense from my concerns
I call upon the Lord
till my stress He overturns.
I take a deep breath in,
then I let it all out
and before you know it
He takes away my doubt.
Whenever I’m troubled,
by my worries and cares
I take them to the Lord
in my thoughts and prayers.
I shut my eyes slowly,
and give to Him my ears
as I listen to His spirit
I’m released from my fears!
“Casting all your care upon him;
for he careth for you.â€
King James Bible
Public Domain
Copyright 2013
Deborah Ann Belka